Blog - Ms Office Class test 8

Ms Office Class test 8

Ms Office Class test 8

Ms Office Question Bank

Inserting Elements:

1.What does the "Insert Cover Page" feature in MS Word allow you to do?

एमएस वर्ड में "इन्सर्ट कवर पेज" सुविधा आपको क्या करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Add a decorative border to the document

b) Insert a predesigned cover page with placeholders for title and author

c) Adjust the font size of the cover page

d) Apply a background color to the cover page

Correct Answer: b) Insert a predesigned cover page with placeholders for title and author


2.How can you insert a blank page into your MS Word document?

आप अपने MS Word दस्तावेज़ में एक खाली पृष्ठ कैसे सम्मिलित कर सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + B

b) By adjusting line spacing

c) By clicking the "Blank Page" option in the Insert tab

d) By right-clicking on the document and selecting "Insert Blank Page"

Correct Answer: c) By clicking the "Blank Page" option in the Insert tab


3. What is the purpose of the "Page Break" feature in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में "पेज ब्रेक" फीचर का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To change font color

b) To insert decorative elements on the page

c) To start a new page within the document

d) To adjust page margins

Correct Answer: c) To start a new page within the document


4. How can you insert a text box in MS Word?

आप एमएस वर्ड में टेक्स्ट बॉक्स कैसे डाल सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + T

b) By clicking the "Text Box" option in the Insert tab and drawing a box on the page

c) By changing font styles

d) By using the Page Setup menu

Correct Answer: b) By clicking the "Text Box" option in the Insert tab and drawing a box on the page


5.What is the primary use of a "Drop Cap" in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में "ड्रॉप कैप" का प्राथमिक उपयोग क्या है?

a) To change the font size of a paragraph

b) To add decorative borders to a paragraph

c) To insert a large capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph

d) To adjust page margins

Correct Answer: c) To insert a large capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph


Inserting Date, Time, and Objects:

6. How can you insert the current date and time in MS Word?

आप एमएस वर्ड में वर्तमान दिनांक और समय कैसे डाल सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + D

b) By adjusting line spacing

c) By clicking the "Date & Time" option in the Insert tab

d) By right-clicking on the document and selecting "Insert Date & Time"

Correct Answer: c) By clicking the "Date & Time" option in the Insert tab


7.What is the purpose of the "Object" feature in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में "ऑब्जेक्ट" फीचर का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To add decorative elements to the document

b) To change the font color of the document

c) To insert objects from other programs, such as Excel charts or PDF files

d) To adjust page margins

Correct Answer: c) To insert objects from other programs, such as Excel charts or PDF files


8.How can you insert an equation in MS Word?

आप एमएस वर्ड में समीकरण कैसे डाल सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + E

 b) By right-clicking on the document and selecting "Insert Equation"

c) By clicking the "Equation" option in the Insert tab

d) By changing font styles

Correct Answer: c) By clicking the "Equation" option in the Insert tab


9. What is the purpose of the "Symbol" feature in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में "सिंबल" फीचर का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To add decorative borders to symbols

b) To change the font size of symbols

c) To insert special characters and symbols into the document

d) To adjust page margins

Correct Answer: c) To insert special characters and symbols into the document


10.How can you customize the appearance of symbols inserted in MS Word?

आप एमएस वर्ड में डाले गए प्रतीकों की उपस्थिति को कैसे अनुकूलित कर सकते हैं?

a) By adjusting line spacing

b) By right-clicking on the symbol and selecting "Format"

c) By using the Page Setup menu

d) By clicking the "Symbol" option in the Insert tab and choosing the desired symbol

Correct Answer: d) By clicking the "Symbol" option in the Insert tab and choosing the desired symbol


Inserting Elements :

11.  What is the primary advantage of using a "Cover Page" in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में "कवर पेज" का उपयोग करने का प्राथमिक लाभ क्या है?

a) It automatically saves the document.

b) It adds a decorative background image to the document.

c) It provides a professional-looking first page with title and author information.

d) It changes the font style of the entire document.

Correct Answer: c) It provides a professional-looking first page with title and author information.


12.  In MS Word, what is the purpose of inserting a "Page Break"?

एमएस वर्ड में "पेज ब्रेक" डालने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To adjust page margins

b) To insert decorative elements on the page

c) To force text to start on a new page

d) To change font colors

Correct Answer: c) To force text to start on a new page


13.  How can you remove a text box from your MS Word document?

 आप अपने MS Word दस्तावेज़ से टेक्स्ट बॉक्स को कैसे हटा सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + X

b) By adjusting line spacing

c) By right-clicking on the text box and selecting "Delete"

d) By using the Page Setup menu

Correct Answer: c) By right-clicking on the text box and selecting "Delete"


Inserting Date, Time, and Objects :

14.  When you insert the "Current Date & Time" in MS Word, can it automatically update to the current date and time when you open the document later?

जब आप एमएस वर्ड में "वर्तमान दिनांक और समय" डालते हैं, तो क्या बाद में जब आप दस्तावेज़ खोलते हैं तो क्या यह स्वचालित रूप से वर्तमान दिनांक और समय में अपडेट हो सकता है?

a) Yes, it always updates.

b) No, it remains fixed at the date and time of insertion.

c) Only if you manually refresh it.

d) It depends on the document's size.

Correct Answer: a) Yes, it always updates.


15. How can you insert an object, such as an Excel spreadsheet, into an MS Word document?

आप एमएस वर्ड दस्तावेज़ में एक्सेल स्प्रेडशीट जैसे ऑब्जेक्ट को कैसे सम्मिलित कर सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + O

b) By right-clicking on the document and selecting "Insert Object"

c) By using the Page Setup menu

d) By clicking the "Object" option in the Insert tab and choosing the object type

Correct Answer: d) By clicking the "Object" option in the Insert tab and choosing the object type


Inserting Equations and Symbols :

16.  In MS Word, which feature allows you to create and edit mathematical equations?

एमएस वर्ड में कौन सी सुविधा आपको गणितीय समीकरण बनाने और संपादित करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Equation

b) Symbol

c) Page Break

d) Text Box

Correct Answer: a) Equation


17.  Can you edit equations that you've inserted into an MS Word document?

क्या आप एमएस वर्ड दस्तावेज़ में डाले गए समीकरणों को संपादित कर सकते हैं?

a) No, equations are fixed once inserted.

b) Yes, equations can be edited by right-clicking on them and selecting "Edit Equation."

c) Only if you have a mathematical software installed on your computer.

d) Only if you convert the equation to plain text first.

Correct Answer: b) Yes, equations can be edited by right-clicking on them and selecting "Edit Equation."


18.  What is the primary purpose of using the "Symbol" feature in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में "सिंबल" फीचर का उपयोग करने का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To insert decorative borders with symbols

b) To change the font size of symbols

c) To insert special characters and symbols into the document

d) To adjust page margins with symbols

Correct Answer: c) To insert special characters and symbols into the document


Formatting Elements:

19.  How can you change the font style and size of text in an MS Word document?

आप MS Word दस्तावेज़ में टेक्स्ट की फ़ॉन्ट शैली और आकार कैसे बदल सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + F

b) By adjusting line spacing

c) By clicking the "Font" option in the Home tab and using the Font dialog box

d) By right-clicking on the text and selecting "Change Font"

Correct Answer: c) By clicking the "Font" option in the Home tab and using the Font dialog box


20.  What is the purpose of the "Shading" option in MS Word's Font dialog box?

एमएस वर्ड के फॉन्ट डायलॉग बॉक्स में "शेडिंग" विकल्प का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To add decorative borders around text

b) To adjust line spacizc])c  )

To change the background color of selected text

d) To insert equations

Correct Answer: c) To change the background color of selected text


353 1 year ago