Blog - Ms Office Class test 14

Ms Office Class test 14

Ms Office Class test 14

Ms Office Question Bank


1. How can you insert a new sheet in an Excel workbook?

आप एक्सेल वर्कबुक में नई शीट कैसे डाल सकते हैं?

a) Right-click on an existing sheet and choose "Insert New Sheet."

b) Press Ctrl + N.

c) Use the Page Setup menu.

d) By changing font styles.

Correct Answer: a) Right-click on an existing sheet and choose "Insert New Sheet."


2.  What is the purpose of renaming a sheet in Excel?

एक्सेल में शीट का नाम बदलने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To change the font size of the sheet

b) To provide a unique name for the sheet to easily identify its content

c) To delete the sheet

d) To adjust line spacing in the sheet

Correct Answer: b) To provide a unique name for the sheet to easily identify its content


3.  How can you duplicate a sheet in Excel?

आप Excel में किसी शीट की डुप्लिकेट कैसे बना सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + D

b) By using the Page Setup menu

c) By right-clicking on the sheet tab and selecting "Duplicate"

d) By adjusting page margins

Correct Answer: c) By right-clicking on the sheet tab and selecting "Duplicate"


4.  What does changing the position of a sheet in Excel allow you to do?

एक्सेल में शीट की स्थिति बदलने से आप क्या कर सकते हैं?

a) Adjust the font color of the sheet

b) Change the order of sheets within a workbook

c) Delete the sheet

d) Insert a new sheet

Correct Answer: b) Change the order of sheets within a workbook


5.  How can you delete a sheet in Excel?

आप Excel में किसी शीट को कैसे हटा सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + X

b) By right-clicking on the sheet tab and selecting "Delete"

c) By using the Page Setup menu

d) By adjusting paragraph spacing

Correct Answer: b) By right-clicking on the sheet tab and selecting "Delete"



6.  What is the purpose of sorting data in Excel?

एक्सेल में डेटा सॉर्ट करने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To add decorative elements to the data

b) To adjust page margins

c) To arrange data in a specified order based on selected criteria

d) To change font styles in the data

Correct Answer: c) To arrange data in a specified order based on selected criteria


7.  Which Excel feature allows you to sort data in ascending or descending order quickly?

एक्सेल की कौन सी सुविधा आपको डेटा को आरोही या अवरोही क्रम में शीघ्रता से क्रमबद्ध करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Filter

b) Merge and Center

c) Sort

d) Wrap Text

Correct Answer: c) Sort


Custom Sort:

8.   When might you use the "Custom Sort" feature in Excel?

आप एक्सेल में "कस्टम सॉर्ट" सुविधा का उपयोग कब कर सकते हैं?

a) To insert a new sheet

b) To change the font size of data

c) To sort data based on criteria not covered by standard sorting options

d) To delete a sheet

Correct Answer: c) To sort data based on criteria not covered by standard sorting options


9.  Which of the following is NOT a criteria option in the "Custom Sort" dialog box in Excel?

एक्सेल में "कस्टम सॉर्ट" संवाद बॉक्स में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा मानदंड विकल्प नहीं है?

a) Values

b) Font Color

c) Cell Color

d) Cell Icon

Correct Answer: b) Font Color



10.  What does the Excel "Filter" feature allow you to do with data?

एक्सेल "फ़िल्टर" सुविधा आपको डेटा के साथ क्या करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Insert decorative elements

b) Adjust font styles

c) Display only specific rows of data based on criteria

d) Delete rows of data

Correct Answer: c) Display only specific rows of data based on criteria


11.  How can you apply a filter to a column in Excel?

आप Excel में किसी कॉलम पर फ़िल्टर कैसे लागू कर सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + F

b) By using the Page Setup menu

c) By right-clicking on the column header and choosing "Filter"

d) By changing page margins

Correct Answer: c) By right-clicking on the column header and choosing "Filter"


Merge and Center, Wrap Text:

12.  What is the purpose of the "Merge and Center" option in Excel?

एक्सेल में "मर्ज एंड सेंटर" विकल्प का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To insert decorative elements

b) To combine and center-align selected cells into one cell

c) To change font colors

d) To adjust paragraph spacing

Correct Answer: b) To combine and center-align selected cells into one cell


13.  In Excel, what does the "Wrap Text" option allow you to do?

एक्सेल में, "रैप टेक्स्ट" विकल्प आपको क्या करने की अनुमति देता है?

a) Insert decorative elements

b) Automatically adjust cell width

c) Display long text or contents in multiple lines within a cell

d) Delete cell content

Correct Answer: c) Display long text or contents in multiple lines within a cell


Sheets :

14.  What happens when you change the position of a sheet in Excel by dragging it to a new location within the workbook?

जब आप एक्सेल में किसी शीट की स्थिति को कार्यपुस्तिका के भीतर एक नए स्थान पर खींचकर बदलते हैं तो क्या होता है?

a) The sheet is duplicated.

b) The sheet's name is automatically changed.

c) The order of sheets is updated, and the sheet is moved to the new position.

d) The sheet is deleted.

Correct Answer: c) The order of sheets is updated, and the sheet is moved to the new position.


15.  How can you quickly navigate to a specific sheet in Excel when you have multiple sheets in a workbook?

जब आपके पास किसी कार्यपुस्तिका में एकाधिक शीट हों तो आप Excel में किसी विशिष्ट शीट पर शीघ्रता से कैसे नेविगेट कर सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + N

b) By using the Page Setup menu

c) By right-clicking and selecting "Go to Sheet"

d) By changing font styles

Correct Answer: c) By right-clicking and selecting "Go to Sheet"


Sorting :

16.  In Excel, which sorting option allows you to sort data based on two or more criteria simultaneously?

एक्सेल में, कौन सा सॉर्टिंग विकल्प आपको एक साथ दो या दो से अधिक मानदंडों के आधार पर डेटा सॉर्ट करने की अनुमति देता है?

a) Custom Sort

b) Filter

c) Merge and Center

d) Wrap Text

Correct Answer: a) Custom Sort


17.  When you apply sorting in Excel, does it permanently rearrange the data in the worksheet?

जब आप एक्सेल में सॉर्टिंग लागू करते हैं, तो क्या यह वर्कशीट में डेटा को स्थायी रूप से पुनर्व्यवस्थित करता है?

a) Yes, the data is permanently changed.

b) No, sorting is temporary and can be removed or adjusted.

c) It depends on the version of Excel.

d) It depends on the font color of the data.

Correct Answer: b) No, sorting is temporary and can be removed or adjusted.


Filtering :

18.  What does the Excel "Filter" feature allow you to do with numeric data?

एक्सेल "फ़िल्टर" सुविधा आपको संख्यात्मक डेटा के साथ क्या करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Adjust font styles

b) Apply mathematical operations, such as addition and subtraction

c) Display only rows that meet specified numeric criteria

d) Insert decorative elements

Correct Answer: c) Display only rows that meet specified numeric criteria


19.  In Excel, can you apply multiple filters to the same worksheet at the same time?

एक्सेल में, क्या आप एक ही समय में एक ही वर्कशीट पर एकाधिक फ़िल्टर लागू कर सकते हैं?

a) No, you can only apply one filter at a time.

b) Yes, you can apply as many filters as needed.

c) Only if you use the Page Setup menu.

d) Only if you change page margins.

Correct Answer: b) Yes, you can apply as many filters as needed.


Merging and Centering, Wrap Text :

20.  When you merge and center cells in Excel, what happens to the content of those cells?

जब आप एक्सेल में सेलों को मर्ज और केन्द्रित करते हैं, तो उन सेलों की सामग्री का क्या होता है?

a) The content is automatically deleted.

b) The content remains in the first cell, and other cells are emptied.

c) The content is distributed evenly across the merged cells.

d) The content is converted to uppercase.

Correct Answer: b) The content remains in the first cell, and other cells are emptied.


21.  How does the "Wrap Text" option affect the appearance of text in a cell in Excel?

एक्सेल में सेल में टेक्स्ट की उपस्थिति को "रैप टेक्स्ट" विकल्प कैसे प्रभावित करता है?

a) It changes the font color.

b) It aligns text to the right.

c) It displays long text or contents in multiple lines within the cell.

d) It deletes the cell content.

Correct Answer: c) It displays long text or contents in multiple lines within the cell.


Additional Questions:

22.  What is the maximum number of worksheets you can have in a single Excel workbook?

एक एक्सेल वर्कबुक में आपके पास अधिकतम कितनी वर्कशीट हो सकती हैं?

a) 10

b) 50

c) 255

d) Unlimited

Correct Answer: c) 255


23.  In Excel, what does the "Freeze Panes" feature allow you to do?

एक्सेल में, "फ़्रीज़ पैन्स" सुविधा आपको क्या करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Adjust page margins

b) Lock specific rows or columns in place while scrolling through a worksheet

c) Apply font styles

d) Delete rows and columns

Correct Answer: b) Lock specific rows or columns in place while scrolling through a worksheet.


24.  How can you remove a filter from a column in Excel?

आप Excel में किसी कॉलम से फ़िल्टर कैसे हटा सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + F

b) By using the Page Setup menu

c) By right-clicking on the column header and choosing "Remove Filter"

d) By changing font styles

Correct Answer: c) By right-clicking on the column header and choosing "Remove Filter."


25.  In Excel, what is the purpose of the "AutoFit Row Height" option?

एक्सेल में, "ऑटोफिट रो हाइट" विकल्प का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To automatically change font styles in a row

b) To adjust the row height to fit the tallest content in that row

c) To delete the entire row

d) To apply a decorative border around the row

Correct Answer: b) To adjust the row height to fit the tallest content in that row.


352 1 year ago