Blog - Ms Office Class test 13

Ms Office Class test 13

Ms Office Class test 13

Ms Office Question Bank

Introduction of MS Excel:

1. What is Microsoft Excel primarily used for?

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल मुख्य रूप से किसके लिए उपयोग किया जाता है?

a) Creating and editing text documents

b) Managing emails and calendars

c) Analyzing and manipulating data in spreadsheet format

d) Editing images and graphics

Correct Answer: c) Analyzing and manipulating data in spreadsheet format


2. In Excel, what is a workbook?

एक्सेल में वर्कबुक क्या है?

a) A single sheet containing data

b) The entire Excel application

c) A collection of worksheets

d) A formula used for calculations

Correct Answer: c) A collection of worksheets


3. What is a cell reference in Excel?

एक्सेल में सेल रेफरेंस क्या है?

a) A letter assigned to each cell

b) A unique identifier for each cell, based on its row and column location

c) The content of a cell

d) A cell's font color

Correct Answer: b) A unique identifier for each cell, based on its row and column location


Auto Fill:

4. How can you quickly fill a series of numbers, dates, or text in Excel?

आप Excel में संख्याओं, दिनांकों या पाठ की श्रृंखला को शीघ्रता से कैसे भर सकते हैं?

a) By using the AutoSum function

b) By manually typing each entry

c) By using the Auto Fill handle

d) By changing the font style

Correct Answer: c) By using the Auto Fill handle


5.  What is the purpose of the Auto Fill options that appear when using the Auto Fill handle in Excel?

एक्सेल में ऑटो फिल हैंडल का उपयोग करते समय दिखाई देने वाले ऑटो फिल विकल्पों का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To adjust page margins

b) To insert decorative elements

c) To customize the fill series behavior

d) To change font colors

Correct Answer: c) To customize the fill series behavior


Insert Row and Column:

6. How can you insert a new row above the current cell in Excel?

आप Excel में वर्तमान सेल के ऊपर एक नई पंक्ति कैसे सम्मिलित कर सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + R

b) By using the Page Setup menu

c) By right-clicking and selecting "Insert" from the context menu

d) By adjusting line spacing

Correct Answer: c) By right-clicking and selecting "Insert" from the context menu


7. What happens to the existing data when you insert a new column in Excel?

जब आप एक्सेल में एक नया कॉलम डालते हैं तो मौजूदा डेटा का क्या होता है?

a) The existing data is deleted.

b) The existing data is shifted to the right to accommodate the new column.

c) The existing data is shifted to the left to accommodate the new column.

d) The existing data is hidden.

Correct Answer: b) The existing data is shifted to the right to accommodate the new column.


Change Row Height and Column Width:

8. How can you adjust the height of a row in Excel?

आप एक्सेल में पंक्ति की ऊंचाई कैसे समायोजित कर सकते हैं?

a) By changing font colors

b) By using the Page Setup menu

c) By manually dragging the row header boundary

d) By pressing Ctrl + H

Correct Answer: c) By manually dragging the row header boundary


9. Which menu in Excel allows you to specify a custom row height or column width?

एक्सेल में कौन सा मेनू आपको कस्टम पंक्ति ऊंचाई या कॉलम चौड़ाई निर्दिष्ट करने की अनुमति देता है?

a) Format

b) Home

c) Insert

d) View

Correct Answer: a) Format


Delete Row and Column:

10.  How can you delete a row in Excel?

आप Excel में किसी पंक्ति को कैसे हटा सकते हैं?

a) By pressing Ctrl + X

b) By adjusting line spacing

c) By selecting the row and right-clicking, then choosing "Delete"

d) By using the Page Setup menu

Correct Answer: c) By selecting the row and right-clicking, then choosing "Delete"


11. What happens to the data in a column when you delete a column in Excel?

जब आप एक्सेल में कोई कॉलम हटाते हैं तो कॉलम में मौजूद डेटा का क्या होता है?

a) The data is deleted.

b) The data is shifted to the left to fill the gap created by the deleted column.

c) The data is shifted to the right to fill the gap created by the deleted column.

d) The data is hidden.

Correct Answer: b) The data is shifted to the left to fill the gap created by the deleted column.


Hide and Unhide Row and Column:

12.  How can you hide a row or column in Excel?

आप एक्सेल में किसी पंक्ति या कॉलम को कैसे छिपा सकते हैं?

a) By adjusting page margins

b) By right-clicking and selecting "Hide" from the context menu

c) By pressing Ctrl + H

d) By changing font colors

Correct Answer: b) By right-clicking and selecting "Hide" from the context menu


13.  What is the purpose of hiding rows or columns in Excel?

Excel में पंक्तियों या स्तंभों को छिपाने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To make the worksheet look decorative

b) To permanently delete data

c) To temporarily hide data while keeping the worksheet structure intact

d) To adjust line spacing

Correct Answer: c) To temporarily hide data while keeping the worksheet structure intact


Fill Option:

14. In Excel, what does the "Fill" option allow you to do?

एक्सेल में, "भरें" विकल्प आपको क्या करने की अनुमति देता है?

a) Change font colors

b) Adjust paragraph spacing

c) Automatically populate cells with data, patterns, or sequences

d) Insert decorative elements

Correct Answer: c) Automatically populate cells with data, patterns, or sequences


15.  Which of the following is an example of using the "Fill" option in Excel?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन एक्सेल में "भरें" विकल्प का उपयोग करने का एक उदाहरण है?

a) Creating a new workbook

b) Manually typing data into each cell

c) Automatically numbering a series of cells d) Adjusting page margins

Correct Answer: c) Automatically numbering a series of cells


Introduction of MS Excel (Continued):

16. Which of the following statements is true regarding Excel workbooks and worksheets?

एक्सेल वर्कबुक और वर्कशीट के संबंध में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सत्य है?

a) A workbook contains multiple worksheets, while a worksheet contains multiple workbooks.

b) A workbook contains only one worksheet.

c) A worksheet contains only one workbook.

d) A workbook and a worksheet are the same.

Correct Answer: a) A workbook contains multiple worksheets, while a worksheet contains multiple workbooks.


17.  What is a cell in Excel?

एक्सेल में सेल क्या है?

a) A graphical element used for decoration

b) A formula for performing calculations

c) The intersection of a row and column in a worksheet

d) A font style

Correct Answer: c) The intersection of a row and column in a worksheet


Auto Fill :

18. Which of the following is a valid use of the Auto Fill feature in Excel?

एक्सेल में ऑटो फिल सुविधा का निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा वैध उपयोग है?

a) Adjusting page margins

b) Creating a new workbook

c) Quickly duplicating a pattern or sequence of data

d) Deleting rows and columns

Correct Answer: c) Quickly duplicating a pattern or sequence of data


19.  What does Excel do when you double-click the Auto Fill handle?

जब आप ऑटो फिल हैंडल पर डबल-क्लिक करते हैं तो एक्सेल क्या करता है?

a) It deletes the selected data.

b) It opens the Format Cells dialog box.

c) It automatically fills down or across based on adjacent data.

d) It changes the font size.

Correct Answer: c) It automatically fills down or across based on adjacent data.


Insert Row and Column :

20.  When inserting a new row or column in Excel, what is the default location for the insertion?

एक्सेल में एक नई पंक्ति या कॉलम सम्मिलित करते समय, प्रविष्टि के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट स्थान क्या है?

a) After the currently selected cell

b) At the beginning of the worksheet

c) At the end of the worksheet d) Before the currently selected cell

Correct Answer: a) After the currently selected cell


21.  What is the keyboard shortcut to quickly insert a new column in Excel?

Excel में शीघ्रता से नया कॉलम डालने के लिए कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट क्या है?

a) Ctrl + C

b) Ctrl + I

c) Ctrl + R

d) Ctrl + Shift + +

Correct Answer: d) Ctrl + Shift + +


Change Row Height and Column Width :

22.  In Excel, what is the purpose of the "Wrap Text" option when adjusting row height or column width?

एक्सेल में, पंक्ति की ऊंचाई या कॉलम की चौड़ाई को समायोजित करते समय "रैप टेक्स्ट" विकल्प का क्या उद्देश्य है?

a) To automatically resize all rows and columns to fit the content

b) To adjust the font size

c) To display long text or contents in multiple lines within a cell

d) To change font colors

Correct Answer: c) To display long text or contents in multiple lines within a cell


Delete Row and Column :

23.  When you delete a row or column in Excel, what happens to the cell references in formulas that referred to cells in the deleted row or column?

जब आप Excel में किसी पंक्ति या स्तंभ को हटाते हैं, तो सूत्रों में उन कक्ष संदर्भों का क्या होता है जो हटाई गई पंक्ति या स्तंभ में कक्षों को संदर्भित करते हैं?

a) They are automatically updated to reference the nearest cell.

b) They remain unchanged.

c) They become invalid and display an error.

d) They are replaced with the word "Deleted."

Correct Answer: c) They become invalid and display an error.


Hiding and Unhiding Rows and Columns :

24.  In Excel, how can you unhide a hidden row or column?

एक्सेल में, आप किसी छुपी हुई पंक्ति या कॉलम को कैसे दिखा सकते हैं?

a) By right-clicking and selecting "Unhide" from the context menu

b) By adjusting page margins

c) By pressing Ctrl + U

d) By changing font styles

Correct Answer: a) By right-clicking and selecting "Unhide" from the context menu


Fill Option :

25. What is the purpose of the "Series" option in the Fill menu in Excel?

एक्सेल में फिल मेनू में "सीरीज़" विकल्प का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To insert decorative elements

b) To create a new workbook

c) To automatically populate cells with a series of values, such as numbers or dates

d) To adjust line spacing

Correct Answer: c) To automatically populate cells with a series of values, such as numbers or dates


630 1 year ago