Blog - Ms Office Class test 12

Ms Office Class test 12

Ms Office Class test 12

Ms Office Question Bank


1. In MS Word, what are "Styles" used for?

एमएस वर्ड में, "स्टाइल्स" का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

a) To create decorative borders around paragraphs

b) To format text consistently with predefined fonts, colors, and spacing

c) To adjust page margins

d) To change font styles randomly

Correct Answer: b) To format text consistently with predefined fonts, colors, and spacing


2. Which tab in MS Word is commonly used to access and apply document styles?

एमएस वर्ड में कौन सा टैब आमतौर पर दस्तावेज़ शैलियों तक पहुंचने और लागू करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है?

a) Font

b) Home

c) Page Layout

d) View

Correct Answer: b) Home


3. How can you create a custom style in MS Word?

आप एमएस वर्ड में कस्टम स्टाइल कैसे बना सकते हैं?

a) By adjusting line spacing

b) By using the Page Setup menu

c) By right-clicking on a formatted text selection and choosing "Create New Style"

d) By clicking the "Styles" option in the View tab

Correct Answer: c) By right-clicking on a formatted text selection and choosing "Create New Style"


Table of Contents:

4. What is the primary purpose of a "Table of Contents" in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में "सामग्री तालिका" का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To adjust paragraph spacing

b) To create decorative elements in documents

c) To provide a list of document headings and their page numbers for easy navigation

d) To change font colors

Correct Answer: c) To provide a list of document headings and their page numbers for easy navigation


5. How can you update a Table of Contents in MS Word when you make changes to the document?

जब आप दस्तावेज़ में परिवर्तन करते हैं तो आप एमएस वर्ड में सामग्री तालिका को कैसे अपडेट कर सकते हैं?

a) By adjusting line spacing

b) By using the Page Setup menu

c) By right-clicking on the Table of Contents and selecting "Update Table"

d) By clicking the "Table of Contents" option in the View tab

Correct Answer: c) By right-clicking on the Table of Contents and selecting "Update Table"


6. Which tab in MS Word contains the Table of Contents options?

एमएस वर्ड में किस टैब में विषय-सूची विकल्प होते हैं?

a) Home

b) Page Layout

c) References

d) Insert

Correct Answer: c) References


Cross References:

7. What is the purpose of a "Cross Reference" in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में "क्रॉस रेफरेंस" का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To insert decorative borders around text

b) To create hyperlinks to other sections or objects within the same document

c) To adjust page margins

d) To change font styles

Correct Answer: b) To create hyperlinks to other sections or objects within the same document


8. Which type of reference can you create using the Cross Reference feature in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में क्रॉस रेफरेंस सुविधा का उपयोग करके आप किस प्रकार का संदर्भ बना सकते हैं?

a) Only references to page numbers

b) Only references to external documents

c) References to headings, page numbers, figures, and tables

d) References to font styles

Correct Answer: c) References to headings, page numbers, figures, and tables


9. How can you insert a cross-reference in MS Word?

आप एमएस वर्ड में क्रॉस-रेफरेंस कैसे डाल सकते हैं?

a) By adjusting line spacing

b) By using the Page Setup menu

c) By clicking the "Cross Reference" option in the Home tab

d) By right-clicking on the text and selecting "Insert Cross Reference"

Correct Answer: d) By right-clicking on the text and selecting "Insert Cross Reference"


Signature Line:

10. What is the "Signature Line" feature used for in MS Word?

एमएस वर्ड में "सिग्नेचर लाइन" फीचर का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

a) To insert decorative elements into the document

b) To adjust paragraph spacing

c) To create a placeholder for a signature, date, and additional information

d) To change font colors

Correct Answer: c) To create a placeholder for a signature, date, and additional information


11. Which tab in MS Word contains the "Signature Line" option?

एमएस वर्ड में किस टैब में "सिग्नेचर लाइन" विकल्प होता है?

a) Home

b) Insert

c) References

d) Page Layout

Correct Answer: b) Insert


12. When a document recipient adds their signature to a Signature Line in MS Word, what happens to the document?

जब कोई दस्तावेज़ प्राप्तकर्ता एमएस वर्ड में सिग्नेचर लाइन पर अपना हस्ताक्षर जोड़ता है, तो दस्तावेज़ का क्या होता है?

a) It becomes read-only.

b) It automatically prints a copy.

c) A signature graphic is inserted.

d) It is sent to Microsoft for verification.

Correct Answer: c) A signature graphic is inserted.


Styles (Continued):

13. In MS Word, what is the benefit of using predefined styles like "Heading 1" and "Heading 2"?

एमएस वर्ड में, "हेडिंग 1" और "हेडिंग 2" जैसी पूर्वनिर्धारित शैलियों का उपयोग करने का क्या लाभ है?

a) They create decorative borders around text.

b) They provide consistent formatting for document titles and subtitles.

c) They adjust line spacing automatically.

d) They change font styles randomly.

Correct Answer: b) They provide consistent formatting for document titles and subtitles.


14. Which type of style in MS Word can be applied to text to emphasize its importance or relevance to the document?

दस्तावेज़ के महत्व या प्रासंगिकता पर जोर देने के लिए एमएस वर्ड में किस प्रकार की शैली को टेक्स्ट पर लागू किया जा सकता है?

a) Character style

b) Paragraph style

c) Page style

d) Line style

Correct Answer: a) Character style


Table of Contents :

15. What happens when you click on an entry in the Table of Contents in MS Word?

जब आप एमएस वर्ड में सामग्री तालिका में किसी प्रविष्टि पर क्लिक करते हैं तो क्या होता है?

a) A decorative element is inserted into the document.

b) You are directed to the corresponding section or heading in the document.

c) The font color changes.

d) The page margins are adjusted.

Correct Answer: b) You are directed to the corresponding section or heading in the document.


16. What does the "Show/Hide" button in MS Word's Table of Contents options allow you to do?

एमएस वर्ड के विषय-सूची विकल्पों में "दिखाएँ/छिपाएँ" बटन आपको क्या करने की अनुमति देता है?

a) Insert decorative borders into the Table of Contents

b) Adjust line spacing in the Table of Contents

c) Display or hide non-printing characters in the document

d) Change font styles in the Table of Contents

Correct Answer: c) Display or hide non-printing characters in the document


Cross References :

17. In MS Word, what is the benefit of using cross-references when creating documents with multiple sections?

एमएस वर्ड में, एकाधिक अनुभागों वाले दस्तावेज़ बनाते समय क्रॉस-रेफरेंस का उपयोग करने का क्या लाभ है?

a) To create decorative elements between sections

b) To automatically adjust page margins

c) To maintain consistency and accuracy in referring to different sections

d) To change font colors in sections

Correct Answer: c) To maintain consistency and accuracy in referring to different sections


18.  When you create a cross-reference to a heading in MS Word, what information can you include in the reference?

जब आप एमएस वर्ड में किसी शीर्षक के लिए क्रॉस-रेफरेंस बनाते हैं, तो आप संदर्भ में कौन सी जानकारी शामिल कर सकते हैं?

a) Only the heading's font style

b) Only the heading's page number

c) Both the heading's text and its page number

d) Only the heading's formatting options

Correct Answer: c) Both the heading's text and its page number


Signature Line :

19.  In MS Word, what additional information can be included with a Signature Line, besides the signature and date?

एमएस वर्ड में, हस्ताक्षर रेखा के साथ हस्ताक्षर और तारीख के अलावा कौन सी अतिरिक्त जानकारी शामिल की जा सकती है?

a) A decorative border

b) A title or designation

c) A change in font color

d) A watermark

Correct Answer: b) A title or designation


20. How can a recipient sign a Signature Line in MS Word?

कोई प्राप्तकर्ता एमएस वर्ड में सिग्नेचर लाइन पर कैसे हस्ताक्षर कर सकता है?

a) By clicking on it

b) By adjusting line spacing

c) By right-clicking on it

d) By using the Page Setup menu

Correct Answer: a) By clicking on it


21. After a recipient signs a Signature Line in MS Word, can the document be further edited?

एमएस वर्ड में प्राप्तकर्ता द्वारा सिग्नेचर लाइन पर हस्ताक्षर करने के बाद, क्या दस्तावेज़ को आगे संपादित किया जा सकता है?

a) No, it becomes read-only.

b) Yes, editing is still allowed.

c) Only font styles can be edited.

d) It depends on the document's password.

Correct Answer: b) Yes, editing is still allowed.



218 1 year ago