Blog - Lumion




1. What is the primary purpose of Lumion


लुमियन का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?


a) 3D modeling

b) Video editing

c) Architectural visualization

d) Game development

(c) Architectural visualization


2. Which feature in Lumion allows you to import 3D models?

ल्यूमियन में कौन सी सुविधा आपको 3D मॉडल आयात करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Scene Editor

b) Library

c) Landscape Design

d) Terrain Editor

(b) Library


3. What is the "Scene" in Lumion?

लुमियन में "दृश्य" क्या है?

a) A collection of imported models

b) A tool for creating terrain

c) A location in a virtual world

d) A compositional space for your project

(d) A compositional space for your project


4.Which Lumion tool allows you to sculpt and shape terrains?

कौन सा लुमियन उपकरण आपको भूभागों को तराशने और आकार देने की अनुमति देता है?

a) Material Editor

b) Terrain Editor

c) Object Library

d) Camera Effects

(b)Terrain Editor


5. How can you apply materials and textures to objects in Lumion? 

आप लुमियन में वस्तुओं पर सामग्री और बनावट कैसे लागू कर सकते हैं? 

a) Using the Landscape Design tool

b) Through the Camera Effects panel

c) By using the Material Editor

d) In the Scene Editor

(c)By using the Material Editor


6.What is the purpose of the "Landscape Design" tool in Lumion?

लुमियन में "लैंडस्केप डिज़ाइन" टूल का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To create 3D models

b) To sculpt terrain

c) To apply materials

d) To edit camera effects

(b) To sculpt terrain


7.What are "Environments" in Lumion?

लुमियन में "पर्यावरण" क्या हैं?

a) Textures for 3D models

b) Scenes with architectural elements

c) Lighting settings and atmospheric effects

d) Animated characters

(c)Lighting settings and atmospheric effects


8.How can you create cinematic shots and animations in Lumion?

आप लुमियन में सिनेमाई शॉट्स और एनिमेशन कैसे बना सकते हैं?

a) Using the Terrain Editor

b) Through the Landscape Design tool

c) With Camera Effects

d) By importing 3D models

(c)With Camera Effects


9.What are "Still Images" in Lumion?

लुमियन में "स्टिल इमेज" क्या हैं?

a) Images with no movement

b) Single images from an animation

c) Images used for terrain editing

d) Images with 3D sound effects

(a) Images with no movement


10.Which Lumion feature allows you to control and adjust the lighting in your scenes?

कौन सी ल्यूमियन सुविधा आपको अपने दृश्यों में प्रकाश को नियंत्रित और समायोजित करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Material Editor

b) Terrain Editor

c) Lighting Effects

d) Camera Effects

(c)Lighting Effec


11.How can you export your Lumion projects for sharing or further editing?

आप साझा करने या आगे संपादन के लिए अपनी लुमियन परियोजनाओं को कैसे निर्यात कर सकते हैं?

a) Through the Terrain Editor

b) Using the Landscape Design tool

c) By clicking the "Export" option

d) In the Library panel

(c)By clicking the "Export" option


12. What is "LiveSync" in Lumion?

ल्यूमियन में "लाइवसिंक" क्या है?

a) A tool for importing 3D models

b) A feature for real-time collaboration

c) A lighting effect d) A type of terrain

(b) A feature for real-time collaboration


13.What is the purpose of "Materials Optimization" in Lumion?

ल्यूमियन में "सामग्री अनुकूलन" का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To reduce the number of 3D models

b) To improve material quality

c) To enhance terrain editing

d) To add sound effects

(b)To improve material quality


14.What is "Hyperlight" in Lumion?

ल्यूमियन में "हाइपरलाइट" क्या है?

a) A terrain editing tool

b) A global illumination feature

c) A camera effect

d) A library of 3D models

(b)A global illumination feature


15.Which Lumion feature is used to create animations with image overlays?

इमेज ओवरले के साथ एनिमेशन बनाने के लिए किस ल्यूमियन फीचर का उपयोग किया जाता है?

a) Still Images

b) Materials

c) Image Sequences

d) Terrain Editor

(c) Image Sequences


16.What is "3D Sound" in Lumion?

ल्यूमियन में "3D ध्वनि" क्या है?

a) A tool for editing textures

b) A feature for importing soundtracks

c) Realistic audio effects for scenes and animations

d) A camera effect

(c) Realistic audio effects for scenes and animations


17.What does "Render Settings" control in Lumion?

ल्यूमियन में "रेंडर सेटिंग्स" क्या नियंत्रित करती है?

a) The project's file size

b) The quality of rendered images and animations

c) The number of 3D models

d) The speed of terrain editing

(b)The quality of rendered images and animations


18. Which Lumion tool allows for post-production and editing of animations?

कौन सा लुमियन टूल एनिमेशन के पोस्ट-प्रोडक्शन और संपादन की अनुमति देता है?

a) Terrain Editor

b) Video Editor

c) Landscape Design

d) Scene Editor

(b)Video Editor


19.What is the purpose of "Virtual Reality (VR) Viewing" in Lumion?

ल्यूमियन में "वर्चुअल रियलिटी (वीआर) व्यूइंग" का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To create virtual worlds

b) To sculpt terrain

c) To enable immersive architectural experiences

d) To import 3D models

(c)To enable immersive architectural experiences


20. What are "Real Skies" in Lumion?

लुमियन में "असली आसमान" क्या हैं?

a) Textures for 3D models

b) Dynamic and changing atmospheric conditions

c) Lighting settings

d) A library of sound effects

(b) Dynamic and changing atmospheric conditions


21.How does "Reflection Control" enhance the quality of rendered images in Lumion?

"प्रतिबिंब नियंत्रण" लुमियन में प्रस्तुत छवियों की गुणवत्ता को कैसे बढ़ाता है?

a) It adds depth to terrain.

b) It controls the camera's reflection.

c) It improves reflective surfaces.

d) It adjusts the speed of animations.

(c)It improves reflective surfaces.


22. What is the purpose of "Customizable Effects" in Lumion?

ल्यूमियन में "अनुकूलन योग्य प्रभाव" का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To adjust the volume of audio

b) To post-process and enhance renderings and animations

c) To create terrain

d) To add 3D models to a scene

(b) To post-process and enhance renderings and animations


23. Which Lumion feature is used for sculpting and shaping terrain?

भूभाग को तराशने और आकार देने के लिए किस ल्यूमियन फीचर का उपयोग किया जाता है?

a) Camera Effects

b) Terrain Editor

c) Object Library

d) Material Editor

(b) Terrain Editor


24.  How can you navigate between pages or scenes in Lumion?

आप लुमियन में पृष्ठों या दृश्यों के बीच कैसे नेविगेट कर सकते हैं?

a) Using the Material Editor

b) Through the Landscape Design tool

c) By using the Page panel

d) In the Terrain Editor

(c) By using the Page panel


25.What is the main purpose of the "Library" in Lumion?

लुमियन में "लाइब्रेरी" का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To organize files on your computer

b) To access 3D models, materials, and effects

c) To edit camera settings

d) To create animations

(b) To access 3D models, materials, and effects

282 1 year ago