Blog - Interest Calculation in Tally Prime Quiz

Interest Calculation in Tally Prime  Quiz

Interest Calculation in Tally Prime Quiz

Tally Prime with GST Quiz

1. In Tally Prime, what is the primary purpose of interest calculation?

टैली प्राइम में, ब्याज गणना का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To manage employee attendance

B. To calculate taxes

C. To determine the interest amount on financial transactions

D. To generate balance sheets

Answer: C


2. Which module in Tally Prime is used for interest calculation?

टैली प्राइम में किस मॉड्यूल का उपयोग ब्याज गणना के लिए किया जाता है?

A. Inventory

B. Accounts

C. Payroll

D. Balance Sheet

Answer: B


3.What type of financial transactions typically involve interest calculation in Tally Prime?

किस प्रकार के वित्तीय लेनदेन में आमतौर पर टैली प्राइम में ब्याज गणना शामिल होती है?

A. Sales transactions

B. Purchase transactions

C. Loan and borrowing transactions

D. Employee payroll transactions

Answer: C


4.How does Tally Prime calculate interest on financial transactions?

टैली प्राइम वित्तीय लेनदेन पर ब्याज की गणना कैसे करता है?

A. Automatically, based on predefined rules and rates

B. Manually, by entering interest amounts for each transaction

C. By generating balance sheets

D. By managing employee attendance

Answer: A


5. What is the "Interest Ledger" used for in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "इंटरेस्ट लेजर" का उपयोग किस लिए किया जाता है?

A. To calculate taxes on interest income

B. To record interest-related transactions

C. To manage employee payroll

D. To create financial reports

Answer: B


6. In Tally Prime, where can you configure interest calculation parameters such as interest rate and period?

टैली प्राइम में, आप ब्याज दर और अवधि जैसे ब्याज गणना मापदंडों को कहां कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं?

A. In the Payroll module

B. In the Ledger Master

C. In the Balance Sheet

D. In the Accounts Info menu

Answer: B


7. What is the "Interest Calculation" option in Tally Prime's Ledger Master used for?

टैली प्राइम के लेजर मास्टर में "ब्याज गणना" विकल्प का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

A. To calculate taxes

B. To specify the frequency of interest calculation

C. To manage employee attendance

D. To create financial reports

Answer: B


8. Which interest calculation method in Tally Prime is based on a fixed percentage of the principal amount?

टैली प्राइम में कौन सी ब्याज गणना पद्धति मूल राशि के एक निश्चित प्रतिशत पर आधारित है?

A. Simple Interest

B. Compound Interest

C. Discount Calculation

D. Tax Calculation

Answer: A


9. What is the formula for calculating simple interest in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में साधारण ब्याज की गणना का सूत्र क्या है?

A. Principal Amount × Rate of Interest

B. Principal Amount × Rate of Interest × Time Period

C. Principal Amount ÷ Rate of Interest × Time Period

D. Rate of Interest ÷ Principal Amount × Time Period

Answer: B


10. In Tally Prime, what is the "Interest Calculation Frequency" used for?

टैली प्राइम में, "ब्याज गणना आवृत्ति" का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

A. To calculate taxes

B. To specify how often interest should be calculated (e.g., monthly, annually)

C. To manage employee attendance

D. To create financial reports

Answer: B


11. Which interest calculation method in Tally Prime considers interest earned on both the principal amount and any previously earned interest?

टैली प्राइम में कौन सी ब्याज गणना पद्धति मूल राशि और पहले अर्जित ब्याज दोनों पर अर्जित ब्याज पर विचार करती है?

A. Simple Interest

B. Compound Interest

C. Discount Calculation

D. Tax Calculation

Answer: B


12. What is the formula for calculating compound interest in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज की गणना का सूत्र क्या है?

A. Principal Amount × Rate of Interest

B. Principal Amount × Rate of Interest × Time Period

C. Principal Amount ÷ Rate of Interest × Time Period

D. Principal Amount × (1 + Rate of Interest)^Time Period

Answer: D


13. In Tally Prime, what is the "Interest Calculation on Closing Balance" option used for?

टैली प्राइम में, "क्लोजिंग बैलेंस पर ब्याज गणना" विकल्प का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

A. To calculate taxes

B. To specify that interest should be calculated on the closing balance of the principal amount

C. To manage employee attendance

D. To create financial reports

Answer: B


14. Which interest calculation method in Tally Prime is commonly used for short-term loans and financial instruments?

टैली प्राइम में कौन सी ब्याज गणना पद्धति आमतौर पर अल्पकालिक ऋण और वित्तीय उपकरणों के लिए उपयोग की जाती है?

A. Simple Interest

B. Compound Interest

C. Discount Calculation

D. Tax Calculation

Answer: A


15. What is the "Interest Type" option in Tally Prime's Ledger Master used for?

टैली प्राइम के लेजर मास्टर में "इंटरेस्ट टाइप" विकल्प का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

A. To specify whether interest is calculated using a fixed or variable rate

B. To calculate taxes

C. To manage employee payroll

D. To create financial reports

Answer: A


16. In Tally Prime, what is the "Use Advanced Parameters" option in the Ledger Master used for?

टैली प्राइम में, लेजर मास्टर में "उन्नत पैरामीटर्स का उपयोग करें" विकल्प का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

A. To calculate taxes

B. To enable advanced interest calculation settings

C. To manage employee attendance

D. To create financial reports

Answer: B


17. Which interest calculation method in Tally Prime is used when the interest amount is deducted in advance from the principal amount?

टैली प्राइम में किस ब्याज गणना पद्धति का उपयोग तब किया जाता है जब ब्याज राशि मूल राशि से अग्रिम रूप से काट ली जाती है?

A. Simple Interest

B. Compound Interest

C. Discount Calculation

D. Tax Calculation

Answer: C


18. What is the formula for calculating the interest amount in Tally Prime using the "Discount Calculation" method?

"डिस्काउंट कैलकुलेशन" पद्धति का उपयोग करके टैली प्राइम में ब्याज राशि की गणना करने का सूत्र क्या है?

A. Principal Amount × Rate of Interest

B. Principal Amount × Rate of Interest × Time Period

C. Principal Amount - (Principal Amount × Rate of Interest)

D. Principal Amount × (1 - Rate of Interest)

Answer: C


19. In Tally Prime, how can you apply interest calculation to specific transactions?

टैली प्राइम में, आप विशिष्ट लेनदेन पर ब्याज गणना कैसे लागू कर सकते हैं?

A. By manually entering interest amounts for each transaction

B. By configuring interest calculation settings in the Payroll module

C. By generating balance sheets

D. By managing employee attendance

Answer: A


20. What is the "Interest Calculation Report" in Tally Prime used for?

टैली प्राइम में "ब्याज गणना रिपोर्ट" का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

A. To calculate taxes

B. To view a summary of interest calculations for ledger accounts

C. To manage employee payroll

D. To create financial reports

Answer: B


21. In Tally Prime, how can you apply interest calculation to specific ledger accounts?

टैली प्राइम में, आप विशिष्ट खाता बही खातों पर ब्याज गणना कैसे लागू कर सकते हैं?

A. By creating separate companies for each account

B. By configuring interest calculation settings in the Ledger Master

C. By calculating taxes for each account

D. By generating balance sheets for each account

Answer: B


22. What is the "Interest Calculation Class" used for in Tally Prime's Ledger Master?

टैली प्राइम के लेजर मास्टर में "ब्याज गणना वर्ग" का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

A. To classify interest transactions for tax purposes

B. To calculate taxes

C. To manage employee attendance

D. To create financial reports

Answer: A


23. In Tally Prime, what is the purpose of the "Interest Rate Tolerance" option in the Ledger Master?

टैली प्राइम में, लेजर मास्टर में "ब्याज दर सहिष्णुता" विकल्प का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To calculate taxes

B. To specify a tolerance range for interest rates

C. To manage employee payroll

D. To create financial reports

Answer: B


24. What is the "Interest Calculation Summary" report in Tally Prime used for?

टैली प्राइम में "ब्याज गणना सारांश" रिपोर्ट का उपयोग किसके लिए किया जाता है?

A. To calculate taxes

B. To view a summary of interest calculations for a specific period

C. To manage employee attendance

D. To create financial reports

Answer: B


25. How can you access the "Interest Calculation Summary" report in Tally Prime?

आप टैली प्राइम में "ब्याज गणना सारांश" रिपोर्ट तक कैसे पहुंच सकते हैं?

A. From the Balance Sheet

B. From the Inventory module

C. From the Payroll module

D. From the Accounts Info menu

Answer: D


329 1 year ago