Blog - Income and Expenses Report in Tally Prime Quiz

Income and Expenses Report in Tally Prime  Quiz

Income and Expenses Report in Tally Prime Quiz

Tally Prime with GST Quiz


1.  What is the primary purpose of the "Income & Expenses Report" in Tally Prime

टैली प्राइम में "आय और व्यय रिपोर्ट" का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To track inventory

B. To monitor employee attendance

C. To analyze financial performance

D. To create invoices

Answer: C


2. Which report in Tally Prime provides a summary of a company's income and expenses for a specific period?

टैली प्राइम की कौन सी रिपोर्ट एक विशिष्ट अवधि के लिए कंपनी की आय और व्यय का सारांश प्रदान करती है?

A. Balance Sheet

B. Profit and Loss Statement

C. Trial Balance

D. Ledger Report

Answer: B


3. In Tally Prime, what does the "Income" section of the Profit and Loss Statement typically include?

टैली प्राइम में, लाभ और हानि विवरण के "आय" अनुभाग में आम तौर पर क्या शामिल होता है?

A. Revenue earned from selling assets

B. Money received from loans

C. Funds received from shareholders

D. Sales revenue and other sources of income

Answer: D


4.  What does the "Expenses" section of the Profit and Loss Statement in Tally Prime typically include?

टैली प्राइम में लाभ और हानि विवरण के "व्यय" अनुभाग में आम तौर पर क्या शामिल होता है?

A. Money spent on purchasing inventory

B. Costs associated with selling assets

C. Salaries and wages paid to employees

D. Funds received from loans

Answer: C


5. Which Tally Prime report provides a detailed breakdown of income and expenses by ledger accounts?

कौन सी टैली प्राइम रिपोर्ट बही खातों द्वारा आय और व्यय का विस्तृत विवरण प्रदान करती है?

A. Balance Shee

B. Profit and Loss Statement

C. Day Book

D. Cost Center Report

Answer: C


6.  How can you access the Profit and Loss Statement in Tally Prime?

आप टैली प्राइम में लाभ और हानि विवरण कैसे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं?

A. From the Ledger Master

B. From the Accounts Info menu

C. From the Payroll module

D. From the Inventory Reports menu

Answer: B


7. What is the purpose of the "Comparative P&L" report in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "तुलनात्मक P&L" रिपोर्ट का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To compare income and expenses with previous periods

B. To calculate taxes

C. To create invoices

D. To manage employee payrol

 Answer: A


8. Which financial statement in Tally Prime shows the company's financial position at a specific point in time?

टैली प्राइम में कौन सा वित्तीय विवरण किसी विशिष्ट समय पर कंपनी की वित्तीय स्थिति को दर्शाता है?

A. Profit and Loss Statement

B. Cash Flow Statement

C. Balance Sheet

D. Income Statement

Answer: C


9.  What does the "Gross Profit" represent in the Profit and Loss Statement?

लाभ और हानि विवरण में "सकल लाभ" क्या दर्शाता है?

A. Total income before expenses

B. Total expenses before income

C. Total income minus total expenses

D. Total assets minus total liabilities

Answer: A


10. In Tally Prime, where can you find the option to customize the date range for the Profit and Loss Statement?

. टैली प्राइम में, आप लाभ और हानि विवरण के लिए तिथि सीमा को अनुकूलित करने का विकल्प कहां पा सकते हैं?

A. In the Balance Sheet report

B. In the Payroll module

C. In the Day Book

D. In the Profit and Loss Statement itself

Answer: D


11. What is the primary purpose of the "Exception Report" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "अपवाद रिपोर्ट" का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To show income and expenses in detail

B. To highlight unusual or exceptional transactions

C. To calculate depreciation

D. To create invoices

Answer: B


12. Which Tally Prime report provides a summary of income and expenses based on predefined categories?

कौन सी टैली प्राइम रिपोर्ट पूर्वनिर्धारित श्रेणियों के आधार पर आय और व्यय का सारांश प्रदान करती है?

A. Balance Sheet

B. Profit and Loss Statement

C. Cost Center Report

D. Trial Balance

Answer: C


13. What is the "Net Profit" in the Profit and Loss Statement?

लाभ और हानि विवरण में "शुद्ध लाभ" क्या है?

A. Total income minus total expenses

B. Total income before expenses

C. Total expenses before income

D. Total assets minus total liabilities

Answer: A


14. What is the purpose of the "Multi-Currency" feature in the Profit and Loss Statement in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में लाभ और हानि विवरण में "मल्टी-करेंसी" सुविधा का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To calculate taxes in multiple currencies

B. To display income and expenses in different currencies

C. To manage employee payroll in multiple currencies

D. To generate balance sheets in multiple currencies

Answer: B


15. In Tally Prime, which report helps you analyze the profitability of specific income and expense accounts?

टैली प्राइम में, कौन सी रिपोर्ट आपको विशिष्ट आय और व्यय खातों की लाभप्रदता का विश्लेषण करने में मदद करती है?

A. Balance Sheet

B. Profit and Loss Statement

C. Cost Center Report

D. Ledger Report

Answer: D


16. What does the "Closing Stock" entry represent in the Profit and Loss Statement?

लाभ और हानि विवरण में "क्लोजिंग स्टॉक" प्रविष्टि क्या दर्शाती है?

A. The value of unsold inventory at the end of the financial period

B. The total expenses incurred during the yea

C. The net profit for the year

D. The total income earned during the year

Answer: A


17. In Tally Prime, what is the "Exception Scenario" in the Profit and Loss Statement?

टैली प्राइम में, लाभ और हानि विवरण में "अपवाद परिदृश्य" क्या है?

A. A situation where income exceeds expenses

B. A situation where expenses exceed income

C. A situation where income and expenses are equal

D. A situation where there are no transactions

Answer: B


18. What is the purpose of the "Detailed Profit and Loss" report in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "विस्तृत लाभ और हानि" रिपोर्ट का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To show income and expenses in detail

B. To display balance sheet items

C. To calculate depreciation

D. To manage employee payroll

Answer: A


19. In Tally Prime, what does the "Exception Status" column in the Profit and Loss Statement indicate?

टैली प्राइम में, लाभ और हानि विवरण में "Exception Status" कॉलम क्या दर्शाता है?

A. The date of each transaction

B. Whether a transaction is exceptional or not

C. The ledger name for each transaction

D. The amount of each transaction

Answer: B


20. Which Tally Prime feature allows you to group income and expense accounts for better financial analysis?

कौन सी टैली प्राइम सुविधा आपको बेहतर वित्तीय विश्लेषण के लिए आय और व्यय खातों को समूहित करने की अनुमति देती है?

A. Integrated Accounts

B. Cost Center

C. Category Manager

D. Ledger Groups

Answer: D


21. What is the purpose of the "Base Currency" setting in the Profit and Loss Statement in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में लाभ और हानि विवरण में "बेस करेंसी" सेटिंग का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To specify the currency used for all income and expense transactions

B. To calculate taxes in the base currency

C. To convert income and expense amounts to a different currency

D. To display balance sheet items in the base currency

Answer: A


22. In Tally Prime, what does the "Exception Scenario Details" report provide information about?

टैली प्राइम में, "Exception Scenario Details" रिपोर्ट किस बारे में जानकारी प्रदान करती है?

A. Income and expenses for specific periods

B. Exceptional transactions in detail

C. Inventory valuation

D. Employee payroll details

Answer: B


23. How can you access the "Comparative P&L" report in Tally Prime?

आप टैली प्राइम में "Comparative P&L" रिपोर्ट तक कैसे पहुंच सकते हैं?

A. From the Ledger Master

B. From the Accounts Info menu

C. From the Profit and Loss Statement

D. From the Inventory Reports menu

Answer: C


24. What is the purpose of the "Exception Scenario Details" report in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "Exception Scenario Details" रिपोर्ट का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To calculate taxes

B. To display balance sheet items

C. To provide detailed information about exceptional transactions

D. To manage employee payroll

Answer: C


25. In Tally Prime, what does the "Base Period" setting in the Profit and Loss Statement represent?

टैली प्राइम में, लाभ और हानि विवरण में "आधार अवधि" सेटिंग क्या दर्शाती है?

A. The fiscal year for the company

B. The date of the most recent transaction

C. The starting date for comparative analysis

D. The date of the next financial audit

Answer: C




208 1 year ago