Blog - How To Settle The Pending Bills

How To Settle The Pending Bills

How To Settle The Pending Bills

Tally Prime with GST

How To Settle The Pending Bills.


एक ही बार सारे Bill Settle किया जा सकता हैं|

Step :1

Company Create

Maintain Accounts : Yes

Maintain Inventory : Yes


Step: 2

Ledger Create

1) Purchase A/c

Under: Purchase A/c


2) Sales A/c

Under: Sales A/c


3) SD A/c

Under: Sundry Debtors

Bill-By-Bill: Yes


4) SC A/c

Under: Sundry Creditores

Bill-By-Bill: Yes


5) HDFC Bank A/c

Under: Bank A/c



Stock Item

Name of Item: T-Shirt

Unit: PCS


Step: 4

Vouchar Entry

1) Purchase A/c (F9)

Party A/c Name: SC A/c

Name of Item: T-Shirt

Quantity: 100 PCS

Rate: 500/-


2) Sales A/c (F8)

Party A/c Name: Mr. SD A/c

Name of Item: T-Shirt

Quntity: 50 PCS

Rate: 700/-

New Ref No: S001


3) Sales A/c (F8)

Party A/c Name: Mr. SD A/c

Name of Item: T-Shirt

Quntity: 10 PCS

Rate: 700/-

New Ref No: S002


Sales किये हुए सारे Bill को Settal करना |

GOT- Display More Reports- Statements of Account- Outstanding- ledgers- Mr. SD A/c

Ledgers Outstanding Report Show होगी |

Alt+5 (Details)

Ctrl+Space Bar (All Select Entry)

Alt+B (Settle Bills)

Vocher Type - Receipt

Vocher Date- 1 April

Account - HDFC Bank A/c

(Note: Mr. SD A/c Ledger Report Blank Show होगी )

178 3 months ago