Blog - How to send Reminder Letter, Payment Advice, Confirmation Letter from Tally Prime Quiz

How to send Reminder Letter, Payment Advice, Confirmation Letter from Tally Prime  Quiz

How to send Reminder Letter, Payment Advice, Confirmation Letter from Tally Prime Quiz

Tally Prime with GST Quiz


1.What is the primary purpose of the "Letter Reminder" feature in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "लेटर रिमाइंडर" सुविधा का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) Generating invoices

b) Tracking outstanding bills and payments

c) Creating ledger accounts

d) Managing stock items

Correct answer: b) Tracking outstanding bills and payments


2.How can you use the "Letter Reminder" feature in Tally Prime?

आप टैली प्राइम में "लेटर रिमाइंडर" सुविधा का उपयोग कैसे कर सकते हैं?

a) By sending emails with payment reminders

b) By printing reports

c) By SMS notifications d) By creating new ledger accounts

Correct answer: a) By sending emails with payment reminders


3.What is the primary use of "Payment Advice" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "भुगतान सलाह" का प्राथमिक उपयोग क्या है?

a) Creating ledger accounts

b) Tracking pending payments

c) Generating invoices

d) Managing stock items

Correct answer: b) Tracking pending payments


4.How do you typically use the "Payment Advice" feature in Tally Prime?

आप आमतौर पर टैली प्राइम में "भुगतान सलाह" सुविधा का उपयोग कैसे करते हैं?

a) Generating bills

b) Deleting ledger accounts

c) Sending reminders for pending payments

d) Managing inventory

Correct answer: c) Sending reminders for pending payments


5.What is the purpose of the "Confirmation Letter" feature in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "पुष्टिकरण पत्र" सुविधा का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) Generating purchase orders

b) Deleting ledger accounts

c) Verifying transaction entries

d) Calculating tax liabilities

Correct answer: c) Verifying transaction entries


6.How can you generate a "Confirmation Letter" in Tally Prime?

आप टैली प्राइम में "पुष्टिकरण पत्र" कैसे उत्पन्न कर सकते हैं?

a) By sending SMS notifications

b) By printing the letter

c) By attaching it to emails

d) By creating new ledger accounts

Correct answer: b) By printing the letter


7.In Tally Prime, how is the "Letter Reminder" typically used?

टैली प्राइम में, आमतौर पर "लेटर रिमाइंडर" का उपयोग कैसे किया जाता है?

a) To merge ledger accounts

b) To send reminders for pending bills or payments

c) To file GST returns

d) To generate balance sheets

Correct answer: b) To send reminders for pending bills or payments


8.What type of report can be generated in Tally Prime to send a "Payment Advice" to a customer?

किसी ग्राहक को "भुगतान सलाह" भेजने के लिए टैली प्राइम में किस प्रकार की रिपोर्ट तैयार की जा सकती है?

a) Balance Sheet

b) Ledger Statement

c) Profit and Loss Statement

d) Exception Reports

Correct answer: b) Ledger Statement


9.What type of documents can be attached when sending a "Payment Advice" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "भुगतान सलाह" भेजते समय किस प्रकार के दस्तावेज़ संलग्न किए जा सकते हैं?

a) Music files

b) Videos

c) Copies of bills and checks

d) Video games

Correct answer: c) Copies of bills and checks


10.What kind of verification is required before sending a "Confirmation Letter" to a ledger account in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में लेजर खाते में "पुष्टि पत्र" भेजने से पहले किस प्रकार के सत्यापन की आवश्यकता होती है?

a) Deleting the ledger account

b) Matching the ledger balance

c) Updating email IDs

d) Registering for GST

Correct answer: b) Matching the ledger balance


11. Before sending a "Confirmation Letter" in Tally Prime, what step is typically taken?

टैली प्राइम में "पुष्टि पत्र" भेजने से पहले आमतौर पर क्या कदम उठाया जाता है?

a) Deleting ledger accounts

b) Verifying the ledger balance

c) Updating email IDs

d) Filing tax returns

Correct answer: b) Verifying the ledger balance


12.Which option in Tally Prime is used for sending "Payment Advice" emails?

टैली प्राइम में "भुगतान सलाह" ईमेल भेजने के लिए किस विकल्प का उपयोग किया जाता है?

a) "Send Email" option

b) "Delete Voucher" option

c) "Print Report" option

d) "Create Ledger" option

Correct answer: a) "Send Email" option


13.How is the "Confirmation Letter" feature in Tally Prime primarily used?

टैली प्राइम में "पुष्टिकरण पत्र" सुविधा का मुख्य रूप से उपयोग कैसे किया जाता है?

a) To generate sales invoices

b) To verify ledger entries

c) To manage inventory

d) To create new ledger accounts

Correct answer: b) To verify ledger entries


14. What is the primary function of "Letter Reminder" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "लेटर रिमाइंडर" का प्राथमिक कार्य क्या है?

a) To create new company data

b) To send payment reminders for outstanding bills

c) To delete ledger accounts

d) To reconcile bank statements

Correct answer: b) To send payment reminders for outstanding bills


15. In Tally Prime, what type of reports can be generated when sending "Payment Advice" to customers?

टैली प्राइम में ग्राहकों को "भुगतान सलाह" भेजते समय किस प्रकार की रिपोर्ट तैयार की जा सकती है?

a) Invoice reports

b) Ledger statements

c) Balance sheets

d) Tax returns

Correct answer: b) Ledger statements


16.How do you typically use "Payment Advice" in Tally Prime?

आप आमतौर पर टैली प्राइम में "भुगतान सलाह" का उपयोग कैसे करते हैं?

a) To generate purchase orders

b) To track pending payments and send reminders

c) To delete ledger accounts

d) To calculate profit and loss

Correct answer: b) To track pending payments and send reminders


17. What is the primary use of the "Confirmation Letter" feature in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "पुष्टिकरण पत्र" सुविधा का प्राथमिक उपयोग क्या है?

a) To create new company data

b) To verify and confirm transaction entries

c) To delete ledger accounts

d) To manage inventory

Correct answer: b) To verify and confirm transaction entries


18. How can you typically send a "Payment Advice" to customers in Tally Prime?

आप आमतौर पर टैली प्राइम में ग्राहकों को "भुगतान सलाह" कैसे भेज सकते हैं?

a) By printing it on paper and mailing it

b) By sending SMS notifications

c) By creating new ledger accounts

d) By generating balance sheets

Correct answer: a) By printing it on paper and mailing it


19.In Tally Prime, what is usually done before sending a "Confirmation Letter"?

टैली प्राइम में, "पुष्टि पत्र" भेजने से पहले आमतौर पर क्या किया जाता है?

a) Deleting ledger accounts

b) Verifying ledger balances

c) Updating customer contact information

d) Filing income tax returns

Correct answer: b) Verifying ledger balances


20. What is the typical outcome of using the "Letter Reminder" feature in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "लेटर रिमाइंडर" सुविधा का उपयोग करने का विशिष्ट परिणाम क्या है?

a) Generating invoices

b) Tracking and reminding about pending payments

c) Deleting ledger accounts

d) Calculating depreciation

Correct answer: b) Tracking and reminding about pending payments


21.What is the primary benefit of sending a "Payment Advice" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम  में "भुगतान सलाह" भेजने का प्राथमिक लाभ क्या है?

a) Generating income statements

b) Tracking and managing outstanding payments

c) Deleting ledger accounts

d) Creating new vouchers

Correct answer: b) Tracking and managing outstanding payments


22.How can you usually send a "Confirmation Letter" to a ledger account in Tally Prime?

आप आमतौर पर टैली प्राइम में एक खाता बही में "पुष्टि पत्र" कैसे भेज सकते हैं?

a) By updating the ledger balance

b) By sending an email with the letter attached

c) By printing it and mailing it

d) By generating a profit and loss statement

Correct answer: c) By printing it and mailing it


23.What type of data verification is important before sending a "Confirmation Letter" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "पुष्टि पत्र" भेजने से पहले किस प्रकार का डेटा सत्यापन महत्वपूर्ण है?

a) Verifying the email address

b) Verifying the ledger balance

c) Verifying the tax ID number

d) Verifying the company name

Correct answer: b) Verifying the ledger balance


24.In Tally Prime, what is the primary use of "Payment Advice"?

टैली प्राइम में, "भुगतान सलाह" का प्राथमिक उपयोग क्या है?

a) To reconcile bank statements

b) To create new company data

c) To track and remind about pending payments

d) To print financial statements

Correct answer: c) To track and remind about pending payments


25. How do you typically send a "Payment Advice" in Tally Prime?

आप आमतौर पर टैली प्राइम में "भुगतान सलाह" कैसे भेजते हैं?

a) By updating ledger balances

b) By sending emails with payment details

c) By creating new ledger accounts

d) By generating balance sheets

Correct answer: b) By sending emails with payment details


280 1 year ago