Blog - GST Practical Set 1

GST Practical Set 1

GST Practical Set 1

Tally Prime with GST


Step : 1

Company Creation

Inventory : Yes

Enable Goods and Services Tax (GST) : Yes

State : Rajasthan

Registration Type : Regular


Periodicity of GST R1 : Monthly

E-Way Bill Applicable : Yes

Applicable from : 1 April



Step 2

Ledger Create

Create > Ledger

1. Capital Account

Under: Capital A/c


2. HDFC Bank A/c

Under :Bank account


3. Purchase (With In State) A/c

Under : Purchase A/c

Is GST Applicable : Applicable

HSN/ SAC Details : As Per company/ Group

GST Details Rate Details : As Per company/ Group

Type of Supply : Goods



4. Purchase (Inter State) A/c

Under : Purchase  A/c

Is GST Applicable : Applicable

HSN/ SAC Details : As Per company/ Group

GST Details Rate Details : As Per company/ Group

Type of Supply : Goods



5. Sales (With In State) A/c

Under : Sales A/c

Is GST Applicable : Applicable

HSN/ SAC Details : As Per company/ Group

GST Details Rate Details : As Per company/ Group

Type of Supply : Goods


6. Sales (Inter State) A/c

Under : Sales A/c

Is GST Applicable : Applicable

HSN/ SAC Details : As Per company/ Group

GST Details Rate Details : As Per company/ Group

Type of Supply : Goods


7. Mr. SC (With In State) A/c

Under : Sundry Creditors A/c

Bill – By – Bill : No

State : Rajasthan

Registration Type : Regular



8. Mr. SC (Inter State) A/c

Under : Sundry Creditors A/c

Bill – By – Bill : No

State : Gujarat

Registration Type : Regular



9. Mr. SD (With In State) A/c

Under : Sundry Debtors A/c

Bill – By – Bill : No

State : Rajasthan

Registration Type : Regular



10. Mr. SD (Inter State) A/c

Under : Sundry Debtors A/c

Bill – By – Bill : No

State : Gujarat

Registration Type : Regular



11. SGST A/c

Under : Duties & Taxes

Type Of Duty & Taxes : GST

Tax Type : State Tax (SGST/UGST)


12. CGST A/c

Under : Duties & Tax

Type Of Duty & Taxes : GST

Tax Type : Central Tax (CGST)


13. IGST A/c

Under : Duties & Tax

Type Of Duty & Taxes : GST

Tax Type : Integrated Tax (IGST)


Step 3

Unit Create

GOT >Create >Units

Type : Simple

Symbol : Pcs

Formal Name : Pieces

Number Of Decimal Places :0

Unit Quantity Code (UQC) : PCS-PIECES



Step 4

Stock Item

GOT > Create > Stock Item

1. Sony Monitor

Under : Monitor

Units : Pcs

GST : Applicable

HSN/ SAC Details : Specify Details hear

GST Rate Details: Specify Details hear

Taxability Type : Taxable

GST Rate: 18%

Types Of Supply :Goods


2. L.G. Monitor

Under : Monitor

Units :Pcs

Units : Pcs


GST : Applicable

HSN/ SAC Details : Specify Details hear

GST Rate Details: Specify Details hear

Taxability Type : Taxable


GST Rate: 18%

Types Of Supply :Goods


Step 6

Voucher Entry

GOT > Voucher

1. F6 (Receipt)

Cr. Capital A/c  20,00,000/-

Dr. Cash A/c    20,00,000/-


2. F9 (Purchase)

Party Name : Mr.SC (With In State) A/c

Purchase Ledger : Purchase (with in state) A/c

Name Of Item :Sony Monitor

Quantity : 10 Pcs

Rate : 1,000.00

Amount : 10,000.00

SGST: 900.00

CGST :900.00


3. F9 (Purchase)

Party Name : Mr.SC (Inter State) A/c

Purchase Ledger : Purchase (Inter state) A/c

Name Of Item : L.G Monitor

Quantity : 10 Pcs

Rate : 1,000.00

Amount : 10,000.00

IGST: 1,800.00




4. F8 (Sales)

Party Name : Mr. SD (With In State) A/c

Sales Ledger : Sales (with in state) A/c

Name Of Item :Sony Monitor

Quantity : 10 Pcs

Rate : 3,000.00

Amount : 30,000.00

SGST: 2,700.00

CGST :2,700.00


5. F8 (Sales)

Party Name : Mr. SD (Inter State) A/c

Sales Ledger : Sales (Inter State) A/c

Name Of Item : L.G. Monitor

Quantity : 10 Pcs

Rate : 3,000.00

Amount : 30,000.00

IGST: 5,400.00




GOT >Display >GST Reports

GST R1 :Sales Details

GST R2 : Purchase Details

GST R3 : Combine Reports


Step 7

Voucher Entry

GOT > Voucher

F5 Payment > Single Entry Mode (^+H)

Account : HDFC BANK A/c

IGST A/c 3,600.00

CGST A/c 1,800.00

SGST A/c  1,800.00

(Save) ^+A

262 11 months ago