Blog - Cost Centre in Tally Prime in Hindi Quiz

Cost Centre  in Tally Prime in Hindi  Quiz

Cost Centre in Tally Prime in Hindi Quiz

Tally Prime with GST Quiz


1. What is the primary purpose of a "Cost Center" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "कॉस्ट सेंटर" का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To manage employee salaries

B. To track and accumulate costs for specific purposes or departments

C. To create financial reports

D. To record sales transactions

Answer: B


2.In Tally Prime, which module allows you to create and manage Cost Centers?

टैली प्राइम में, कौन सा मॉड्यूल आपको लागत केंद्र बनाने और प्रबंधित करने की अनुमति देता है?

A. Accounts

B. Inventory

C. Payroll

D. Cost Center Module

Answer: A


3. How can you access the Cost Center creation screen in Tally Prime?

आप टैली प्राइम में कॉस्ट सेंटर निर्माण स्क्रीन तक कैसे पहुंच सकते हैं?

A. From the Profit and Loss Statement

B. From the Ledger Master

C. From the Inventory Reports menu

D. From the Accounts Info menu

Answer: D


4.What does a "Cost Category" represent in Tally Prime's Cost Center module?

टैली प्राइम के कॉस्ट सेंटर मॉड्यूल में "लागत श्रेणी" क्या दर्शाती है?

A. A specific department or division within an organization

 B.A ledger account

C. An employee's payroll category

D. A type of voucher

Answer: A


5.In Tally Prime, what is the primary benefit of using Cost Centers?

टैली प्राइम में, लागत केंद्रों का उपयोग करने का प्राथमिक लाभ क्या है?

A. They simplify tax calculations

B. They allow for better control and analysis of expenses for different departments or purposes

C. They automate payroll management

D. They generate balance sheets

Answer: B


6. Which report in Tally Prime provides a summary of expenses associated with specific Cost Centers?

टैली प्राइम की कौन सी रिपोर्ट विशिष्ट लागत केंद्रों से जुड़े खर्चों का सारांश प्रदान करती है?

A. Balance Sheet

B. Profit and Loss Statement

C. Cost Center Report

D. Inventory Valuation Report

Answer: C


7. In Tally Prime, what does the "Primary Cost Category" field represent when creating a Cost Center?

टैली प्राइम में, लागत केंद्र बनाते समय "प्राथमिक लागत श्रेणी" फ़ील्ड क्या दर्शाती है?

A. The primary ledger account associated with the Cost Center

B. The main category of expenses for the Cost Center

C. The date when the Cost Center was created

D. The total value of expenses for the Cost Center

Answer: B


8.What is the purpose of creating "Cost Objects" in Tally Prime's Cost Center module?

टैली प्राइम के कॉस्ट सेंटर मॉड्यूल में "कॉस्ट ऑब्जेक्ट" बनाने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To categorize ledger accounts

B. To allocate costs to specific products or projects

C. To record sales transactions

D. To generate balance sheets

Answer: B


9. In Tally Prime, how can you assign expenses to a specific Cost Center when recording a voucher?

टैली प्राइम में, आप वाउचर रिकॉर्ड करते समय किसी विशिष्ट लागत केंद्र को खर्च कैसे निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं?

A. By selecting the Cost Center while creating the voucher

B. By manually calculating and entering the expenses in the Cost Center module

C. By creating a separate company for each Cost Center

D. By using a specific voucher type for each Cost

Center Answer: A


10. What is the main advantage of using the "Allocate Expenses" feature in Tally Prime's Cost Center module?

टैली प्राइम के कॉस्ट सेंटर मॉड्यूल में "आवंटन व्यय" सुविधा का उपयोग करने का मुख्य लाभ क्या है?

A. It automatically allocates expenses to Cost Centers based on predefined formulas or percentages

B. It generates balance sheets

C. It creates payroll reports

D. It simplifies tax calculations

Answer: A


11. In Tally Prime, what does the "Cost Center Category" field represent when creating a Cost Center?

 टैली प्राइम में, कॉस्ट सेंटर बनाते समय "कॉस्ट सेंटर श्रेणी" फ़ील्ड क्या दर्शाती है?

A. The category of products produced by the Cost Center

B. The main category of expenses for the Cost Center

C. The date when the Cost Center was created

D. The total value of expenses for the Cost

Center Answer: B


12. Which Tally Prime report provides detailed information on expenses and cost allocation for different Cost Centers?

कौन सी टैली प्राइम रिपोर्ट विभिन्न लागत केंद्रों के लिए खर्च और लागत आवंटन पर विस्तृत जानकारी प्रदान करती है?

A. Balance Sheet

B. Profit and Loss Statement

C. Cost Center Report

D. Inventory Valuation Report

Answer: C


13. What is the purpose of setting up "Cost Centers in Payroll" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "पेरोल में लागत केंद्र" स्थापित करने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To manage employee payroll

B. To track expenses for different projects

C. To calculate taxes

D. To generate balance sheets

Answer: A


14. In Tally Prime, how can you view the total expenses for a specific Cost Center?

टैली प्राइम में, आप किसी विशिष्ट लागत केंद्र के लिए कुल खर्च कैसे देख सकते हैं?

A. By checking the Profit and Loss Statement

B. By viewing the Cost Center report

C. By creating a new Cost Category

D. By accessing the Day Book

Answer: B


15. What is the purpose of defining "Cost Objects" in Tally Prime's Cost Center module?

टैली प्राइम के कॉस्ट सेंटर मॉड्यूल में "लागत वस्तुओं" को परिभाषित करने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To categorize inventory items

B. To record employee information

C. To allocate costs to specific products or projects

D. To generate financial statements

Answer: C


16. Which Tally Prime report helps you analyze the profitability of each Cost Center?

कौन सी टैली प्राइम रिपोर्ट आपको प्रत्येक लागत केंद्र की लाभप्रदता का विश्लेषण करने में मदद करती है?

A. Balance Sheet

B. Profit and Loss Statement

C. Cost Center Report

D. Inventory Valuation Report

Answer: C


17. In Tally Prime, how can you assign an expense to a specific Cost Center when recording a voucher?

टैली प्राइम में, वाउचर रिकॉर्ड करते समय आप किसी विशिष्ट लागत केंद्र को व्यय कैसे निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं

A. By selecting the Cost Center while creating the voucher

B. By using a separate company for each Cost Center

C. By manually calculating and entering the expense in the Cost Center module

D. By selecting the expense category from a predefined list

Answer: A


18. What is the primary purpose of the "Cost Center Statement" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "कॉस्ट सेंटर स्टेटमेंट" का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To track employee attendance

B. To calculate taxes

C. To generate financial statements

D. To provide a summary of expenses for each Cost Center

Answer: D


19. In Tally Prime, what does the "Ledger Allocation" feature in the Cost Center module allow you to do?

टैली प्राइम में, कॉस्ट सेंटर मॉड्यूल में "लेजर आवंटन" सुविधा आपको क्या करने की अनुमति देती है?

A. To allocate ledger accounts to specific Cost Centers

B. To calculate taxes automatically

C. To generate balance sheets

D. To create payroll reports

Answer: A`


20. What is the "Cost Center Class" in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "कॉस्ट सेंटर क्लास" क्या है?

A. A category of expenses

B. A type of ledger account

C. A predefined set of Cost Centers

D. A payroll category

Answer: C


21. In Tally Prime, how does the "Cost Center Class" affect Cost Center allocation?

टैली प्राइम में, "कॉस्ट सेंटर क्लास" कॉस्ट सेंटर आवंटन को कैसे प्रभावित करता है?

A. It determines the order in which expenses are allocated to Cost Centers

B. It defines the percentage of expenses allocated to each Cost Center

C. It categorizes expenses into different classes for analysis

D. It doesn't affect Cost Center allocation

Answer: A


22. What is the purpose of the "Cost Center Budgets" feature in Tally Prime?

टैली प्राइम में "कॉस्ट सेंटर बजट" सुविधा का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To calculate taxes automatically

B. To set budgetary limits for expenses in different Cost Centers

C. To create payroll reports

D. To generate balance sheets

Answer: B


23. In Tally Prime, how can you view the budget vs. actual expenses for each Cost Center?

टैली प्राइम में, आप प्रत्येक लागत केंद्र के लिए बजट बनाम वास्तविक खर्च कैसे देख सकते हैं?

A. By checking the Profit and Loss Statement

B. By viewing the Cost Center report

C. By accessing the Day Book

D. By creating a new Cost Category

Answer: B


24. What is the purpose of defining "Cost Center Groups" in Tally Prime's Cost Center module?

टैली प्राइम के कॉस्ट सेंटर मॉड्यूल में "कॉस्ट सेंटर ग्रुप्स" को परिभाषित करने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

A. To categorize employees in the payroll system

B. To create payroll categories

C. To group Cost Centers for better organization and analysis

D. To calculate taxes

Answer: C


25. In Tally Prime, how can you filter and view expenses for a specific Cost Center in a voucher entry screen?

टैली प्राइम में, आप वाउचर एंट्री स्क्रीन में किसी विशिष्ट लागत केंद्र के खर्चों को कैसे फ़िल्टर और देख सकते हैं?

A. By selecting the expense category from a predefined list

B. By manually entering the Cost Center code

C. By creating a new Cost Object

D. By generating a Day Book report

Answer: B




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