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SketchUp Blog

SketchUp Blog


1. What is SketchUp primarily used for?

स्केचअप का उपयोग मुख्य रूप से किसके लिए किया जाता है?

a) Video Editing

b) 2D drafting

c) 3D modeling

d) Sound mixing

Correct Answer: c) 3D modeling


2. What is the term for the axis lines that help you navigate in the SketchUp workspace?

स्केचअप कार्यक्षेत्र में नेविगेट करने में आपकी सहायता करने वाली अक्ष रेखाओं के लिए क्या शब्द है?

a) Guidelines

b) Axes

c) Rulers

d) Gridlines

Correct Answer: b) Axes


3. Which tool in SketchUp allows you to create straight lines and edges?

स्केचअप में कौन सा टूल आपको सीधी रेखाएं और किनारे बनाने की अनुमति देता है?

a) Eraser Tool

b) Push/Pull Tool

c) Line Tool

d) Paint Bucket Tool

Correct Answer: c) Line Tool 


4.In SketchUp, what is the purpose of the "Orbit" tool?

स्केचअप में, "ऑर्बिट" टूल का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To create spheres

b) To move the camera around the model

c) To draw circles

d) To change colors

Correct Answer: b) To move the camera around the model


5. Which tool allows you to create a copy of a selected object and move it to a new location?

कौन सा टूल आपको चयनित ऑब्जेक्ट की एक प्रति बनाने और उसे एक नए स्थान पर ले जाने की अनुमति देता है?

a) Move Tool

b) Rotate Tool

c) Scale Tool

d) Offset Tool

Correct Answer: a) Move Tool


Creating and Editing Objects:

6. What does the "Push/Pull" tool in SketchUp allow you to do?

स्केचअप में "पुश/पुल" टूल आपको क्या करने की अनुमति देता है?

a) Move objects to different layers

b) Extrude 2D shapes into 3D objects

c) Rotate objects around an axis

d) Scale objects uniformly

Correct Answer: b) Extrude 2D shapes into 3D objects


7. How do you create a circle in SketchUp?

आप स्केचअप में एक वृत्त कैसे बनाते हैं?

a) Using the Circle Tool

b) Using the Line Tool

c) Using the Rectangle Tool

d) Using the Arc Tool

Correct Answer: a) Using the Circle Tool


8. What is the purpose of the "Follow Me" tool in SketchUp?

स्केचअप में "फॉलो मी" टूल का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To create 3D text

b) To create a copy of an object

c) To draw curved lines

d) To extrude a profile along a path

Correct Answer: d) To extrude a profile along a path


9. How do you create a copy of an object using the "Rotate" tool in SketchUp?

आप स्केचअप में "रोटेट" टूल का उपयोग करके किसी ऑब्जेक्ट की प्रतिलिपि कैसे बनाते हैं?

a) By selecting the "Copy" option before rotating

b) By holding down the Ctrl key while rotating

c) By right-clicking and choosing "Duplicate"

d) By using the "Move" tool after rotating

Correct Answer: a) By selecting the "Copy" option before rotating


10.  What is the term for a set of connected edges and faces in SketchUp?

स्केचअप में जुड़े हुए किनारों और चेहरों के सेट के लिए क्या शब्द है?

a) Group

b) Component

c) Entity

d) Geometry

Correct Answer: a) Group


Applying Materials and Textures:

11.  How do you apply a material to a face in SketchUp?

आप स्केचअप में किसी सामग्री को चेहरे पर कैसे लगाते हैं?

a) Using the Line Tool

b) Using the Paint Bucket Tool

c) Using the Move Tool

d) Using the Eraser Tool

Correct Answer: b) Using the Paint Bucket Tool


12.  What is the purpose of the "Materials" panel in SketchUp?

स्केचअप में "सामग्री" पैनल का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To control the lighting in the scene

b) To manage and apply materials to objects

c) To create animations

d) To import external 3D models

Correct Answer: b) To manage and apply materials to objects


13.  How do you adjust the size and placement of a texture on a face in SketchUp?

आप स्केचअप में चेहरे पर बनावट के आकार और स्थान को कैसे समायोजित करते हैं?

a) Using the Scale Tool

b) Using the Eraser Tool

c) Using the Push/Pull Tool

d) Using the Line Tool

Correct Answer: a) Using the Scale Tool


14.  What is the purpose of the "Texture Position" tool in SketchUp?

स्केचअप में "बनावट स्थिति" टूल का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To remove textures from faces

b) To adjust the transparency of textures

c) To move and align textures on faces

d) To change the color of textures

Correct Answer: c) To move and align textures on faces


15.  In SketchUp, what does the "Match Photo" feature allow you to do?

स्केचअप में, "मैच फोटो" सुविधा आपको क्या करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Add realistic lighting to scenes

b) Import photos as textures

c) Match a 3D model to a photo background

d) Create animations from photos

Correct Answer: c) Match a 3D model to a photo background


Navigating and Viewing:


16. What is the purpose of the "Zoom" tool in SketchUp?

स्केचअप में "ज़ूम" टूल का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To move objects in the workspace

b) To rotate the camera view

c) To change the scale of objects

d) To adjust the magnification of the view

Correct Answer: d) To adjust the magnification of the view


17. How do you reset the camera view to the default position in SketchUp?

आप स्केचअप में कैमरा दृश्य को डिफ़ॉल्ट स्थिति पर कैसे रीसेट करते हैं?

a) Double-click on the Orbit tool

b) Press the "Ctrl" and "Z" keys simultaneously

c) Click on the "Zoom Extents" button

d) Press the "Shift" key while moving the camera

Correct Answer: c) Click on the "Zoom Extents" button


18. What is the purpose of the "Section Plane" tool in SketchUp?

स्केचअप में "सेक्शन प्लेन" टूल का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To create a cutaway view of a model

b) To draw straight lines

c) To add shadows to a scene

d) To create curves and arcs

Correct Answer: a) To create a cutaway view of a model


19. How do you create a "Scene" in SketchUp?

आप स्केचअप में "दृश्य" कैसे बनाते हैं?

a) By drawing a line across the screen

b) By importing an image

c) By saving a model as a new file

d) By saving a specific camera view and settings

Correct Answer: d) By saving a specific camera view and settings


20.  What is the purpose of the "Outliner" panel in SketchUp?

स्केचअप में "आउटलाइनर" पैनल का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To organize and manage layers

b) To create 3D text

c) To import external models

d) To adjust rendering settings

Correct Answer: a) To organize and manage layers


Advanced Features and Plugins:


21.  What is a "SketchUp Extension"?

"स्केचअप एक्सटेंशन" क्या है?

a) A physical tool used for modeling

b) A 2D image imported into SketchUp

c) A third-party add-on that extends SketchUp's functionality

d) A type of sketching technique

Correct Answer: c) A third-party add-on that extends SketchUp's functionality


22.  Which SketchUp extension is commonly used for organic and freeform modeling?

कौन सा स्केचअप एक्सटेंशन आमतौर पर ऑर्गेनिक और फ़्रीफ़ॉर्म मॉडलिंग के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है?

a) "3D Warehouse"

b) "Solid Inspector"

c) "Artisan"

d) "Fog"

Correct Answer: c) "Artisan"


23.  What is the purpose of the "3D Warehouse" in SketchUp?

स्केचअप में "3डी वेयरहाउस" का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To store 2D images

b) To organize scenes and views

c) To search and download 3D models created by other users

d) To create animations

Correct Answer: c) To search and download 3D models created by other users


24.  Which tool in SketchUp allows you to create complex curved surfaces?

स्केचअप में कौन सा टूल आपको जटिल घुमावदार सतह बनाने की अनुमति देता है?

a) "Follow Me" tool

b) "Intersect Faces" tool

c) "Scale" tool

d) "Eraser" tool

Correct Answer: a) "Follow Me" tool


25.  How can you create a "Dynamic Component" in SketchUp?

आप स्केचअप में "डायनामिक कंपोनेंट" कैसे बना सकते हैं?

a) By using the "Eraser" tool

b) By applying materials to an object

c) By using the "Dynamic Components" extension and adding attributes

d) By changing the camera view

Correct Answer: c) By using the "Dynamic Components" extension and adding attributes


227 1 year ago