Blog - Multi Currency

Multi Currency

Multi Currency

Tally Prime with GST

Multi Currency

Step : 1

1.Company Create

Inventory : Yes

Bill By Bill  : Yes


Step : 2

Ledgers Creation

1. Purchase A/C

Under : Purchase


2. Mr. America A/C 

Under : Sundry Creditor

Bill By Bill : Yes

State : New York

Country : United State of America


3.Forex Loss A/C

   Under : Expenses Indirect


4. Forex Gain A/C

    Under : Income Indirect


*Purchase Item : Apple I Phone 11 Pro @ $1000/-

*Purchase Time Dollar Rate @ 70/

*Payment Time Dollar Rate @75/-


[ Note : Payment Time Dollar Rate @ 75/- इसमें हमें 5 रुपये का जो Loss होता है उसे कैसे Adjust करें?


Step  : 3

Create  > Currency  >  C : Create New

Symbol  : $

Formal Name :  Dollar

Number Of Decimal Places: 2

Show Amount In Millions  : No

Suffix Symbol To Amount : No / Yes

Add Space Between Amount & Symbol :  Yes

World Repairing Amount After Decimal : Cent

Number Of Decimal Place For Amount Inward : 2

 Control +A (Quick Save)


Step 4

Stock Items

Create > Stock Item  > Apple Iphone 11 Pro

Unit : Pcs


Step : 5

Voucher Entry

GOT > Voucher

1. Purchase (F9)

 Party Account Name : Mr. America A/C

 Purchase Ledger   :  Purchase

 Name Of Item       :  Apple Iphone 11 Pro

 Quantity                :    10 Pieces

 Rate                       :    $ 1000

 Amount                 :     10,000$

 Rate In Forex              Rate Of Exchange        Rate In Rupees

  1,000.00$/Pcs@ Rs.70/-$

 New Reference P1001 :^+A(Save)


2. Payment (F5)

Dr. Mr America               $10000.00


Forex Amount         Rate Of Exchange      Value In Rs.
10000$          @Rs.75 /$             Rs.7,50000.00

Agst Ref P1001

Cr. Cash  Rs.7,50000.00

 = GOT > Display > Trial Balance > unadjusted Forex gain/loss  : 50,000.00


Step : 6

GOT > Alter > Voucher Type > Journal > Forex Loss

Use Class For Forex Gain /Loss Adjustment : Yes

Forex Loss Adjustment करना है

^A( Quick Save)


Steps 7


GOT >  Voucher > F7 (Journal ) > Name of class : Forex  Loss

Use Class For Forex gain /Forex Loss Adjustment: Yes

Ledger : Forex Loss A/c



Name of class : Forex Gain

Use Class For Forex gain /Forex Loss Adjustment: Yes

Ledger : Forex Gain A/c

^ A (Quick Save) 


Gateway of Tally

Voucher : F7 (Journal)

Class : Forex Loss

Particular            Amount

Mr. American     50,000


^ A



GOT > Display > Trial Balance    >  Indirect Expenses 50,000


[Note : Forex Loss will convert into Indirect Expenses]



521 11 months ago