Blog - efficiency excel quiz 9

efficiency excel quiz 9

efficiency excel quiz 9

LDC/ AI Efficiency Test Quiz

1. श्रेणी A1 पर निम्न स्वरूपण लागू करें: किल (a) मर्ज और सेंटर] (b) बोल्ड (c) फ़ॉन्ट रंग सफ़ेद (d) भरण रंग लाल[] (e) बॉर्डर सभी तरफ] (f) फ़ॉन्ट आकार 22 ptl

Apply following formatting to the range A1: Kill(a) merge and center](b) bold(c) font color white (d) fill color red[](e) border all side] (f) font size 22 ptl


2. श्रेणी A2:E2ll पर निम्न स्वरूपण लागू करें (a) मर्ज और बाईं ओर संरेखित करें] (b) बोल्ड (c) फ़ॉन्ट रंग सफ़ेद [[ (d) भरण रंग पीलाll (e) फ़ॉन्ट आकार 12 ptl

Apply following formatting to the range A2:E2ll (a) merge and align left] (b) bold (c) font color white [[ (d) fill color yellowll (e) font size 12 ptl


3. Fill white color and make bottom side border to cells C3, C4, G5, G6, J5, J6

4. Fill yellow color to following cells/ranges:--(a)A8:K11] (b)A3:B6] (C)C5:C6] (d)F4:F6[](e)G4](f)H4:16](g) J4(h) K3:K6

5. Apply following formatting to the range A7:K7ll(a) mergell (b) align left](c) bold[](d) font size 12 pt

6. Align right and make text bold for range A8:B11 and F8:G11

7. Apply following formatting to the range A12:K12](a) bold[](b) align centerl(c) fill color yellow

8. Apply following formatting to the range A13:F13](a) merge and align right](b) bold]

9. Fill yellow color to following ranges:--](a) A14:F28] (b) H14:H28 (C) J14:K28

10. Set page margin as follows: - (a) Margin top 0.4"(b) Margin bottom0.4" (c) Margin left 0.6"(d) Margin right 0.6"

11. Set print area in such a way that "CHECK BOOK REGISTER" table can be printed completely. Do not include the months list table.

12. Starting from cell B34 to B45 enter the name of all 12 months in order. Format should be Jan, Feb,……………..Dec.

1 2 days ago