Professional Photoshop CS




Create a Realistic Chocolate Effect in Photoshop


Want to add a delicious chocolate effect to your designs in Photoshop? This tutorial will guide you through creating a realistic chocolate look using color manipulation, texture, lighting, and shading techniques. Whether you're designing text, shapes, or backgrounds, this method will make your work look rich and mouth-watering.Creating a realistic Chocolate effect in Photoshop involves a combination of color manipulation , texture , lighting and shading.

Step 1


New File (Ctrl + N )  >   504 x 360  >  Resolution : 72  >  RGB Mode  >  White Color 

Step 2


New Layer  > Foreground Color :  Chocolate  Like Color

Create Rectangle Selection  > Fill Foreground Color (Alt+ Delete )

Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss…   > Technique : Chisel Hard > Depth &Size Adjust

Ctrl + D ( Remove Selection )

Step 3


Text Tool   > Type Chocolate ( Color will be same as chocolate ) > Move Tool se Rectangle pr Lena

Layer Style  > Bevel & Emboss …   > Technique : Chisel Soft  > Depth& Size Adjust

 Ctrl + T : Adjust Size

Ctrl + E : Merge

Step 4


Ctrl + Click on Layer Photo

Edit  >  Define Pattern   >  ok

Shift + F5  > Fill : Pattern  > Chocolate  > ok

And cut the corner by Eraser



By following these steps, you can create a realistic chocolate effect in Photoshop that enhances your text and designs. Experiment with different shades, depths, and textures to achieve the perfect chocolatey look.


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47 1 week ago