Blog - Advance Excel quiz blog clas 5

Advance Excel quiz blog clas 5

Advance Excel quiz blog clas 5

Advance Excel

Group / Ungroup

1. What does the "Group" feature in Excel allow you to do?

Excel में "समूह" सुविधा आपको क्या करने की अनुमति देती है?

a) Merge cells together

b) Hide selected rows or columns

c) Arrange data into categories for easier management

d) Apply conditional formatting to selected cells

Answer: c) Arrange data into categories for easier management


2. In Excel, how can you group a range of rows or columns together?

एक्सेल में, आप पंक्तियों या स्तंभों की एक श्रृंखला को एक साथ कैसे समूहित कर सकते हैं?

a) Right-click on the selected rows or columns and choose "Group" from the context menu

b) Press Ctrl + G

c) Use the "Group" button in the Data tab of the ribbon

d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above


3. What is the purpose of grouping rows or columns in Excel?

एक्सेल में पंक्तियों या स्तंभों को समूहीकृत करने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To merge their content into a single cell

b) To calculate the sum of their values

c) To organize and manage data more effectively

d) To apply conditional formatting to them

Answer: c) To organize and manage data more effectively


4. How can you ungroup rows or columns in Excel?

आप Excel में पंक्तियों या स्तंभों को कैसे असमूहीकृत कर सकते हैं?

a) Right-click on the grouped rows or columns and choose "Ungroup" from the context menu

b) Press Ctrl + U

c) Use the "Ungroup" button in the Data tab of the ribbon

d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above


5. When you group rows or columns in Excel, what happens to the grouped section by default?

जब आप एक्सेल में पंक्तियों या स्तंभों को समूहित करते हैं, तो डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से समूहीकृत अनुभाग का क्या होता है?

a) It becomes hidden

b) It becomes locked

c) It becomes collapsed into a single row or column

d) It becomes highlighted

Answer: c) It becomes collapsed into a single row or column




6. What are scenarios in Excel?

एक्सेल में परिदृश्य क्या हैं?

a) They are visual representations of data using charts and graphs.

b) They are hypothetical situations used to analyze the impact of different variables on a model.

c) They are formulas used to perform complex calculations.

d) They are functions used to group and summarize data.

Answer: b) They are hypothetical situations used to analyze the impact of different variables on a model.


7. How can you create scenarios in Excel?

आप एक्सेल में परिदृश्य कैसे बना सकते हैं?

a) By using the Scenario Manager tool in the Data tab.

b) By applying conditional formatting to cells.

c) By using the Insert Function tool in the Formulas tab.

d) By using the Sort and Filter options in the Home tab.

Answer: a) By using the Scenario Manager tool in the Data tab.


8. Which of the following is NOT a step in creating scenarios in Excel?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा एक्सेल में परिदृश्य बनाने का एक कदम नहीं है?

a) Entering input values for variables.

b) Defining scenarios with specific input values.

c) Saving scenarios as separate workbooks.

d) Viewing and analyzing results for each scenario.

Answer: c) Saving scenarios as separate workbooks.


9. How many scenarios can you create in Excel?

आप एक्सेल में कितने परिदृश्य बना सकते हैं?

a) Unlimited

b) 10

c) 100

d) 5

Answer: a) Unlimited


10. Which Excel tool allows you to switch between different scenarios easily?

कौन सा एक्सेल टूल आपको विभिन्न परिदृश्यों के बीच आसानी से स्विच करने की अनुमति देता है?

a) PivotTables

b) Goal Seek

c) Scenario Manager

d) Data Validation

Answer: c) Scenario Manager


11. Which of the following types of Sparklines are available in Excel?

निम्नलिखित में से किस प्रकार की स्पार्कलाइन एक्सेल में उपलब्ध हैं?

a) Line, Column, and Area

b) Pie, Bar, and Scatter

c) Histogram, Radar, and Bubble

d) Gauge, Doughnut, and Waterfall

Answer: a) Line, Column, and Area


12. How many Sparkline types can you insert in a single cell in Excel?

एक्सेल में आप एक सेल में कितने स्पार्कलाइन प्रकार सम्मिलित कर सकते हैं?

a) Only one type per cell

b) Two types per cell

c) Multiple types per cell, depending on the data

d) No limit, as many as needed per cell

Answer: a) Only one type per cell


13. Which Excel tab contains the Sparkline tools?

किस एक्सेल टैब में स्पार्कलाइन टूल्स हैं?

a) Home

b) Insert

c) Data

d) View

Answer: b) Insert


14. What is the purpose of Sparklines in Excel?

एक्सेल में स्पार्कलाइन्स का उद्देश्य क्या है?

a) To perform mathematical calculations on data ranges.

b) To create pivot tables for data analysis.

c) To provide a quick visual representation of data trends.

d) To apply conditional formatting to cells.

Answer: c) To provide a quick visual representation of data trends.


15. How do you create a Sparkline in Excel?

आप एक्सेल में स्पार्कलाइन कैसे बनाते हैं?

a) Select the data range and click on the Sparkline button in the Home tab.

b) Select the data range and choose the desired Sparkline type from the Insert tab.

c) Use the Insert Function dialog box to insert a Sparkline.

d) Manually draw the Sparkline using the Drawing Tools in Excel.

Answer: b) Select the data range and choose the desired Sparkline type from the Insert tab.


16. How does the HLOOKUP function differ from the VLOOKUP function?

HLOOKUP फ़ंक्शन VLOOKUP फ़ंक्शन से किस प्रकार भिन्न है?

a) HLOOKUP performs horizontal lookups while VLOOKUP performs vertical lookups.

b) HLOOKUP can only search for values in the first row of a table.

c) HLOOKUP cannot handle approximate matches.

d) HLOOKUP stands for "Horizontal Lookup."

Answer: a) HLOOKUP performs horizontal lookups while VLOOKUP performs vertical lookups.


17. What does the col_index_num argument represent in the VLOOKUP function?

VLOOKUP फ़ंक्शन में col_index_num तर्क क्या दर्शाता है?

a) The lookup value to search for in the table array.

b) The number of rows to skip before returning a value.

c) The index number of the column from which to return a value.

d) The range of cells to search for the lookup value.

Answer: c) The index number of the column from which to return a value.


18. Which of the following is a common error associated with the VLOOKUP function?

a) #DIV/0!

b) #NAME?

c) #REF!

d) #N/A

Answer: d) #N/A


19. What is the purpose of the "FALSE" argument in the VLOOKUP function?

VLOOKUP फ़ंक्शन में "गलत" तर्क का उद्देश्य क्या है?

 a) It indicates that an exact match is required.

b) It specifies the range of cells to search for the lookup value.

c) It returns an error if the lookup value is not found.

d) It performs a case-insensitive search.

Answer: a) It indicates that an exact match is required.


20. How do you specify an approximate match in the VLOOKUP function?

आप VLOOKUP फ़ंक्शन में अनुमानित मिलान कैसे निर्दिष्ट करते हैं?

a) By setting the range_lookup argument to "TRUE" or omitting it.

b) By setting the range_lookup argument to "FALSE."

c) By specifying a range of cells to search.

d) By using the HLOOKUP function instead.


Answer: a) By setting the range_lookup argument to "TRUE" or omitting it.


122 3 months ago